Recovery facility navigation

Can I please get some help navigating recovery facilities ? Most seem nearly $1000 a day and then I’ve found some out patient ones that are nearly over 10k… the obvious point staring back at me is no amount of money is worth me killing my self over quickly or slowly in my addiction. Would appreciate some insight or point me in the right direction if I missed this discussion. Thank you…wondering if there is any good recovery programs at a more affordable price… or exactly what to look for in a recovery facility. Would hate to secure all that money and not have an experience that led to recovery. Want to give myself the best chance

Your insurance should cover any type of treatment. If you have a deductible you will be responsible for that. If you do not have insurance you can usually get it through a health insurance market place navigator, or your local department of social services.


Was about to say your insurance should cover most of it.

What state are you in? There is some scholarship money as my therapist would call it to help with rehab costs

Do you have insurance? I dont know if your city is like Phoenix, but there are a lot of helpful long term rehab programs here that don’t cost anything, or cost very little. Maybe your city has similar kinds of programs?

I am in Colorado. Always never considered insurance thought they’d label me an addict and make life hard with anxiety and depression meds. Like a lifelong stamp on my record. Likely the paranoia I live with. Found a place called inner balance … now I just gotta figure out what to tell work.

Tell them the truth,
That you need help, and your getting it,

I worked for a county govt before I went for treatment, I was gonna hide it, but I told them. My immediate supervisor said he already knew. They were happy to see me go for treatment.

I was welcome back when I got done. Why I resigned is a totally different story

Anxiety and paranoia are hard too. It eats at me all the time,

Like I said unrelated story but I had to resign from my job, and start over. And I get super frustrated and anxious about my situation. What if I never see my kids again? What if I’m stuck in NoVa the rest of my life? What if I never get back into a job I love? I’ve gotten 3 rejection letters in the past month. All locally I keep telling myself its cause I am not supposed to stay here. But I still say its cause I messed up, my friends say God has a plan you dont know it yet.

Two choices go to treatment get better for you, get better for your family, your job. Be a better. Person employee, and husband/father. Or keep doing what your doing, the hole gets bigger and harder to get out of


That is completely false. I’ve been to rehab 3x and it’s always been covered by my insurance. I’ve not had one issue regarding prescriptions, especially for mental health medication. Insurance companies do not review prescriptions like that. All the do is check against your diagnosis to make sure it’s medically necessary. Most insurance companies will actually offer additional support regarding a Substance Use Diagnosis.

However, if you want free I suggest checking out a Salvation Army Adult Long Term Rehabilitation. They are pretty much in all mid and major cities in the US.


Who’s gonna label you an addict?

Your medical information is sealed, they cannot access it.

My employer has no idea that I went to treatment I am in recovery or my diagnosis, I been asked how I ended up here, cause they know I’m from a different state. I tell them I got in a fight with my GF she kicked me out so I came here for career advancement, that didn’t work out as planned.

It’s not far from the whole truth and it really isn’t a lie, I stayed because going back wasn’t an option, and planned for career advancement, but I left out the well I went to treatment here part. In fact my job applications flat out state, omit any medical related lengths of unemployment, driver license restrictions or similar.

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I’ve worked for 2 very large insurance carriers. They do not and cannot label you, nor can they release any of your medical information to anyone without your written consent. There’s a HIPAA law that protects you and your information.

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Question? Where do you live and do you have insurance? I found ones where I didn’t pay a cent. Ive been in rehab at least 9 times that I can recall.
Sometimes I had ins. Other times I didn’t