Recovery plays tricks

So I was on here a few days ago. Only 5 days sober. Few days ago I was wondering when the depression ends. Your comments were all so true and encouraging. I did end up getting up finally - back to work yesterday. It’s weird how your brain gets you through and then it sneaks up on you saying how much better you feel etc etc you can handle light drinking because you never want to feel that way again, that it will be okay. When I know dang well 2 days ago I was miserably depressed and barely moved for 4 days. And wanted nothing to do with it again, it’s so crazy!


In early recovery there is definitely ups and downs. It does get easier with time especially if your working a program like AA, NA, smart recovery, refuge recovery… There is so many options but staying busy with your recovery will give you less time to overthink things or be depressed. All you have to do is get through today without a drink or drug and worry about tomorrow when it gets here. Remember the pain that your drug of choice has caused you and don’t forget where a relapse would take you. Picking up doesn’t solve anything. Trust me I understand I deal with very bad anxiety and other mental health issues but I find the more I stay busy with my recovery I have no time for my feelings to get in the way. Stay strong and stay in today. You can do this!


@Bluekoolaid I’m coming up for Day 5 in a few hours and I know you’re right. I’ve found my sobriety journey very challenging but yesterday (Wednesday - I’m in Ireland) was particularly challenging. I literally thought, "To hell with it, I’m going to buy a bottle " Of course I didn’t. I’ve been spending a lot of time here and I feel a kinship here that I don’t even feel with friends because they just don’t “get it”. Thanks for sharing. I needed to read that. Take care. Cheers :v:t2::ireland:


Congrats on day 5 and I’m proud of you for not drinking. Dealing with life without drinking or drugs is not always easy but neither was being lost in our addiction. I’m learning it’s just going to take some time to rewrite my brain and to learn to live the right way. I personally became exhausted from my old life of drinking and using and I have no where left to run or hide. I have to face my problems. Glad your finding some support in this community. It definitely is a special place with a lot of people who understand.


Powerful words 🩶 thank you!

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I was just thinking that after I wrote that! How I’m going to have to check in here often because like you said ppl on the outside just don’t get it.


Your words, your words! Yes!

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Maybe try a meeting they will help ,they helped me stay sober wish you well


Hi @Jacqueline1 how are you today :palm_up_hand: