Rehab / detox advice

Has anyone been in a uk rehab centre ? Whats it like what can i expect for the three monthes ? Apart from group therapy how is time filled ? Alsoi will be having a one week detox prior with what i believe is called lithium ,any experiences on this ? Im currently fortunate enough to be on the waiting list , thanks in advance !


Lithium helped me with the shakes and other withdrawal symptoms in detox…was weaned off as I left for rehab, it just made the physical part of withdrawal easier to deal with.

Hope someone can help you with their UK rehab experience, mine was in NY.


Hi i went to a rehab centre in uk was good so things u can expect are lots of group sessions mine was a 12 step program so generally stuck to that we had activities like meditation and music therapy so lts lot of mindfulness stuff. We also had people come in and share there stories which was good now for the rules lol guess they are different all over but ours was no leaving facility in first 2 weeks could go outside to smoke and stuff , no money on you had to give bank card to workers,no phones till 7pm and then only for an hour we had a rota for chores which had to be done at night but pretty much could do what u wanted in evenings in the rehab centre or could go to your room id advice against that its what i did feeling sorry for myself but it got much better if you throw yourself into it and join in , try everything ut might sound stupid but what have u got to lose. After 2 weeks we were aloud visitors at weekend and could go to local town for few hours. Erm cant think much more any questions just ask all id say rehab is really what u put into it i saw genuinly good people struggling with addiction really work hard and get results but i also saw 1 or 2 who werent ready for it and left after a few days to go back to there doc good luck i wish u all the best :+1:


Thanks mate , great advice and im optimistic !

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Thanks bobslife , did you feel qnything from the lithium , i will have to go to a centre for a week but cannot drive , does it make you feel any different apart from taking the ‘edge off’ ? Cheers

Other than making the shakes less severe, no I don’t think so, it wasn’t like getting high or anything. (it was 40 years ago so memory isn’t like it was yesterday) Wish you well.


I just went cold turkey at that time rehab wasnt available in my area and i sat on my hands for a few months and going to the gym helped ,but today there are plenty of places just google , wish you well


can you tell me more aboutthe shakes and what other things did you feel?

Hand shakes couldn’t keep a glass of liquid (water, soda) level, spilled all over. Vision disrupted, streaky. Thoughts random and sometimes unconnected, or just zoned in on need for alcohol. Upset nervous stomach.

By the 3rd day of withdrawal, most symptoms were reduced and manageable.

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Seeking advice on rehab or detox is a big step, and it’s great that you’re reaching out. Everyone’s journey is different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

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