Well, almost went 5 days. Relapsed. Today I feel like shit and worthless
You’re NOT worthless, you’re an addict and that’s not your fault! Can you get to a meeting? Big hugs X
Get up and try again, don’t fall the same way twice. The first 10 days are the toughest, after you get there it’s only a mental game.
Be kind to yourself today. Fluids, rest, gentle TV. Then tomorrow make a solid plan to quit. If you have never read quit lit, buy one. If you have never been to a meeting, go to one. Many, many people suffer(ed) like you and plenty recover. It can be your future too.
You are definitely not worthless, that’s the addiction talking. I used to keep a diary and write down why I relapsed so I could try to avoid it in the future. It’s a learning game. The book “This Naked Mind” helped me in the beginning, I think I was finally able to do 30 days. The important thing is that you never give up.
It’s okay feel like this, sometimes life seems hard… but please remember you’re not shit or worthless. You’re trying your best and I’m proud of you.