Relapse I turned to drink again

I couldn’t agree with this more. I’ve realised that many of my ‘close friends’ are sober me’s worst enemies. I’ve joined an online sober group where I can meet fortnightly via zoom and go to meet up events to expand my circle to include more
Sober people. Interestingly I told my closest friend and she couldn’t be more supportive - those that have your back and not their own selfishness at heart will support you. It’s weeding them out that’s the hard part.


Hello thank you for the message what is this online sober group called exactly?

I’ve joined the sober girls society, which I followed on Instagram and then found they had online events and meet ups. I have however found that there are sober pages and communities on Instagram that seem to offer similar, I just felt connected to this one. Don’t know if you have the app but may be worth a search of pages/community and see who’s local to you. :slight_smile:

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Thats brilliant thank you for your help

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I had 6 years. Then began to take a drink here and there. Realized last week I was pushing beyond the here and there. I recommited Oct 6th. Came in here to talk myself out of drinking tonight and saw your post. Your post and all the comments helped me say no. Thank you.


I just reset myself today. My wife really tore into me last night about my drinking. Already had a meeting with a counselor today. Feeling confident! :blush: