Relapse in motion

Hi I’m new here but I’m having a very hard time almost 7 months sober off of methamphetamines and 8 years clean off opiates. Opiates were easy for me to get clean I made my mind up and I quit but the meth it’s literally calling my name. I actually don’t even know what to category it as because I’m past a craving as I’m in the motion to contact to make a plan to use. I just feel really down. none of my coping mechanisms are helping !I’m just getting more depressed it can’t get out of bed most days and I just want to feel happy and I know that it only makes everything worse but yet here I am wanting so badly to use I’m so close to using and I’ve called multiple places just so I could talk to a counselor and I’m not even getting a call back.Nobody will talk to me. So I was wondering how did you guys get through this I’ve never battled anything this strong before and I’m desperately scared that I’m going to lose my battle.


Aww Kristel, please fight it with everything you have. Im proud of you for coming here and trying to find help and strength.
I’ve never done it but my son has and I’ve seen him on it and also detoxing off it.
It truly is the Devil’s work.
Im sending some mom hugs, do whatever you can not to get it, sweetie.


Hi you wont lose the battle that is just the bloody addictive voice, go and get some fresh air or take a bath/shower to relax, just remember how strong you actually are and how far you have come, do not give in you can do this


I ask for help. I have had times where I come here and share, ask for support, as you are doing here. I have had other times when I’ve turned to trusted friends to listen to me (although that came more after I started working my sobriety; I developed friendships through that).

You can always find friends - at least people who understand - at a meeting. There’s online NA meetings here:

There’s other online meetings too, search around and you can find one just about 24 hours a day.

Keep sharing and keep reaching out. You are thirsty looking for water in the desert. Don’t give up. There is water if you keep searching.


Deeper down, when you start working your sobriety, you will unpack the reasons these cravings happen. You have to do that to keep this long term.

Get through today and then get to meetings and start working your program. It will work when you work it.


Good for you for looking for support! You came to a great place. Cancel your plans to pickup. Checkin here. Find a sober community


Have you tried calling 988? It’s a fairly new crisis line for substance abuse in addition to mental health. Apparently, every call is answered. When you call, it transfers you to a local agency and if they don’t pick up, you’re automatically transferred to a national back up crisis center.


Sorry you are feeling so off and down. That can be a hard place to be and feel. I was thinking if you are in the US, you could give 988 a call. They are there to help listen when folks are in emotional distress and mental and substance abuse crisis. You can call or text. It is confidential and free. If you want and agree to it, they may be able to suggest resources near you…totally up to you tho. I hope you will give them a call, they are there to help. :heart:


Hi and welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
It’s great your reaching out, and it’s great your here.
You have done well the past 7 months :slightly_smiling_face:
Have you maybe tried a meeting face to face or online?
I find these extremely helpful when I am close to acting on my cravings and urges to use.

There are many others here who have used the same substance and there is plenty to read of their experiences here and how they cope and what had helped them, you can use the search bar to search relevant topics if this helps.

This community is full of such caring supportive people so you don’t need to be alone anymore on your journey, please stay with us and keep reaching out.
You can get through this I believe in you :people_hugging:


Yes yes I did actually have a peer support that comes to my house and we done all that say and absolutely nobody was in to help crisis and 98 answered and they tried to connect me to somebody but nobody answered it was very frustrating but thank you

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NA will save you from feeling like this even if only for a couple of hours. You’ve done so so well on your own you deserve this. You deserve to be happy and free. It’s a call away. Please take it :pray: