Relapse last night few drinks turned into many

Glad to hear it. The sweating it out eventually even stopped working for me at a certain point. Should you ever get there, there are other more drastic changes you can make.

Just a few things im going to do, hopefully some might help others that are back at the start:

Fitness training

Im of service in my local AA already

Antabuse (i can see no reason why you wouldn’t try this)


Online meetings every night until my local is on the weekend

I finally asked for a sponsor from my local AA community

Buy the big book and read it this time

Buckets of lemon water!

Hope any who is struggling might see something that helps them :+1:

I have started over with this app multiple times for the past year. I have one again reset. I am angry with myself. Why cant I stop drinking?

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Welcome @Hope44! I like your user name. Never give up hope. Resetting over and over must get very frustrating. Think of things you haven’t tried yet and give them a go. There’s a saying…nothing changes if nothing changes. What helped me was realizing I needed to change people, places and things. Sobriety takes a lot of hard work and you have to be ready. There were many times I wanted to stop but I just wasn’t ready. The day finally came where I was finally sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Thank you @Lisa07 for your reply! I am still sober. My challenge is that I enjoy having a beer with my husband and talking in the evening when the kids go to bed but there are times when a few turns into way more…probably 15. Lately we have tried Jameson and that was really good but scares me because I feel its just another level of drinking that will get out of control. Any suggestions on changing this habit with my husband? He supports me in not drinking anymore but I dont think he really believes me bc I have said multiple times, “Im no longer drinking” but after I feel I have control again I start again.

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How about making yourself a nice mocktail? This way you can still enjoy that time together while he has a drink.

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I did try Trilogy kombucha and was yummy!

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Oh good! See, we can still enjoy special drinks along with those we love. I bought myself some pretty glasses for those occasions to make ot extra special. I’m really proud of your approach. Sobriety doesn’t have to be dull and boring. It’s what we make of it.