Relapse on alcohol and cocaine

It happens!! I’ve relasped 3 tyms already in the past year and a half. This would be my 4th tym getting clean from herion and fetnayol, I’ve been a user for the last 3 years. Its the roughest things I’ve been threw we juss have to stay focused and positive and take one day at a tym. We will get there!! I have faith in myself and everyone that’s going thru recovery!! IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE SOBER IF U PUT IN THE WORK!
Hope all goes well on ur journey I’ll be praying and rooting for u!! Have a nice night! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really thought this was it. I was sober for 10 days and doing good. Then that awful voice got in my head because i was bored and i began having a drink. It never stops at one. Crazy how we crave to have more and more. We loose all our sense of judgment too. Alcohol just seems to consume us and take over our body and mind. I hate the control it has. I was feeling so good alcohol free too. I did restart again. I have restarted too many times to even count. I really want to stick to it this time. Some of you have recommended some books that look interesting that i want to get. And i plan on joining more zoom meetings. Thank you all for being here. It helps to get things off your chest .


Hey Tippy - thank you for your kind words. I sense that youre a strong women with a lot of life experience, so I respect what youre telling me. I agree that relapses are a part of the process, Im trying to stay shame free and just look forward and do my best.
I wish you the best as well. Good luck with everything and have a great weekend.

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I’m just seeing this now Tippi, many relapses later. I’m still alive though, so thats good. Once again on day 1, unfortunately and fortunately.

How are you doing?

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HI, there, Michellle. Michael here. Thirty years in recovery on April 9, 2024.

My drugs of choice were alcohol and cocaine. There is success in recovery for you, if you are willing to do what it takes to get there. The question is how motivated you really and truly are to reach and stay in recovery. This is not a question you can answer all by yourself, Michelle.

I have in the past worked as a state licensed professional substance use counselor. I worked on a mental health team with psychiatrists, LMHTs, art therapists, etc.

Michelle, you need to get a professional substance use assessment. Ask the place you call whether they use ASAM placement criteria. If they don’t, then keep calling. You need an assessment that uses a set of standards to determine what level of care you require.

Regarding my own story, Michelle, I required inpatient treatment. I was too sick to succeed in outpatient. I won’t bore you with all the excuses I had for avoiding inpatient. Trust me on this, whatever anyone here comes up with, I have heard it or used it. Get a professional substance use disorder assessment. That will give you the direction you need to be successful.


Thanks for reaching out Mike. Ill look into the assessment. I will admit that I feel nervous about reaching out for help because I just am unsure about what the backlash will be down the line, as a mom and as someone who plans to work in social services, and with future heathcare. This has been a fear for a long time tbh, and has been a barrier to me seeking proper support. Im 2 weeks sober today, and I will say that I feel a bit restless with the calm that has come over my life, hopefully you can appreciate that feeling as a fellow recovering addict. Anyways, thanks again for the advice. Take care.


Hi, Michelle:

Thanks for your honest answer. Your reasoning does not surprise me based on your description of yourself. The reason I say that is because when I was in college getting my Human Services Degree to become licensed as a Chemical Dependency Professional, I did a research project on barriers women face in getting into treatment services. Here is what I found:

Women have a higher mortality rate for substance use disorders. The average and median age of women who get treatment services or who otherwise enter recovery is markedly older than it is for males. While there may not be a direct correlation, I found a study done in Vancouver, B.C. that found that women in fact did have hesitance in getting into treatment services. They found that the social stigma from their family was a large barrier because mothers in particular are expected to not have problems and they are expected to be healthy mothers and take care of their children. So the judgment factor from family members was one factor. Another was the fact that women who are mothers are terrified their kids will be taken from them (again, by their own family members) if they reveal they have an alcohol or drug problem. Lastly there is a financial factor, because it is a fact that women do not have the same upper level job opportunities as men, much as I hate to say that as a man who was in an upper level professional position and hired only women in my business.

So, what I can say is you have a very clear vision of your situation, Michelle. Yes, you are not taking that big step to get assessed, I get that, and I wish you would do that. But at the same time I understand the barriers you are facing and as a mother you do have some legitimate concerns that may only be assuaged by your establishing a close relationship with some family members and telling them in confidence about what you feel comfortable revealing to them. They can’t just take away your kids, there is a judicial process they would have to go through to get them and the courts view these things as a negative for children and the belief of lawmakers is that kids are better off with their parents. Unless you are an unfit mother, you have nothing to worry about. I am a retired family law attorney so I know this area very well, at least in Washington State. I have handled these cases. I still volunteer as a family law attorney for people who can’t afford a lawyer for the local bar association. So I am not just spouting off stuff that is meaningless.

Look, Michelle. If you cannot get yourself to get an assessment, at least admit to yourself you are not qualified to diagnose yourself. Until you have a professional assessment, you really do not know what you need to do to get well and stay in recovery. But a good start for you would be to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings regularly every week. I attended at least 5 meetings a week when I was new in recovery and that is a good number for you, too, if you have enough meetings that are a convenient drive from your home and you have child care for your kids. Some meetings do provide child care for parents attending the meeting. I still attend meetings after over 30 years. That is all the reason you need to understand how important they are to your survival.

If you were to get a professional assessment, it is completely confidential. They cannot release any information about the assessment to anyone or your employer without your written consent. This is a FEDERAL law, Michelle, as well as a state law in virtually all 50 states, and some types of disclosures carry a criminal, not merely a civil, penalty in some states like where I live. So you can get assessed and keep it to yourself. They cannot be forced to disclose it. Best wishes to you, Michelle.

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Hey I get it. I was binge drinking and doing coke. It wasnt daily but often enough to make myself go “hey this aint right” Its asking yourelf ‘why’ you chose to deal with things this way. Is this behavior beneficial? Does it help move you along in a postaive way? Sometimes finding out why helps us to pin point the issue and get help. If in person AA is too intimidating there is always zoom aa found on the ‘everything AA’ app. Along with that tool and this app it really helps. Im hear if you need to chat. :brown_heart::brown_heart::brown_heart:


My demon was the booze which led to a bigger demon in cocaine. Every time. I have gotten professional help, family help, all the above. The trauma of my past was always my downfall and excuse. I’m always nervous about my faith but I stand in it. I never want to push people away because of my beliefs. The only saving for me was Jesus. It was through him that I was truly able to let go of my past and forgive myself. Truly. Is it still a battle? Darn straight. But with the relationship I have built only between me and God am I able to keep marking off the days. There is true healing with him. Prayers for strength and his love over you and your family :blue_heart:


Yesss :brown_heart: amen to that

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Thanks for taking the time to look back at your college onformation and sending it over to me. I appreciate that. I can tell you like to help people and go above and beyond.

Its also nice that you understand where Im coming from. I am aware of the NA, AA meetings arou d and I have gone to them. I think you are right that I need to go back before I make a mistake. Ive been here before, sober for a short period of time, feeling okag again, and then boredom or stress gets me thinking about bring down the house of cards again.

Thanks again for the effort and time you put into the response.

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Yea, binge drinking and then coke was my thing too. I couldn’t do coke without alcohol, it was too intense. It wasnt every day either, but it progressed, and after a while I would do coke for longer and longer periods of time, even after the alcohol wore off. I would be scared to come down. Coke is honestly disgusting.
Addiction runs in my family also, so I know I’m not like other people, I can feel and see that I use differently. Obviously lol. I think I started drinking for social reasons in highschool, and then I started dancing at 18, as a single mom, and it became a survival tool to get through the nights. Luckily, I’m out of that environment, but these habits want to stay and are lingering. Its definitely not serving me anymore. I’ve quit several times, but it comes back stronger every time. I know there is a good life on the side of recovery, so I’m working at it again.
Seems like NA meetings are the place to go. I’ll check out the AA app for sure, I didnt know they had one.

Anyways, sorry for trauma dumping on you there. Thanks for replying and listening.

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Hey, thanks for spreading the love of Jesus over to me. I do feel that I have a connection to GOD, but not in the traditional way. I do intend to focus on my spirituality and grow its capacity for healing purposes. Hopefully, I will have a similar experience as you. It sounds nice. I’m happy for you that you found your way out for good. Thanks for replying to my post and offering me your insight. Take care.


The term ‘just for today’ has had quiet the impact on me. Because I only have to worry about today. Just for today I dont have to drink , just for today I am going to …(insert positive action) JUST FOR TODAY can be so powerful :raised_hands: :relieved: :sparkles:


I’m right there with you. I was almost 90 days sober and then slipped back into it… And for what. I’m alone in my apartment. This isn’t even fun anymore.

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I know, its definitely not fun anymore. I find it actually scary, traumatizing even. Life threatening.

90 days is a huge accomplishment though. You can get there again. Did you manage to start over after your relapse? How are you feeling/doing?

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Todays day one and it’s a struggle for sure!

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You got this! Just lay back and rest and recover and let the time march on.

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