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Relapse: A documented segment of events.

After, doing 6-so many months I can’t remember cold turkey, with-out temptation.
Like, all things in this world it’s easy when the situation doesn’t arise.
When put in front of you the situation isn’t always the same.
No matter, how many times.

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I agree it’s never the same when you get the opportunity to act out. Good reminder

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I think just that fact that you used the word “opportunity” to describe a situation that involves substance says a lot. When I think of an opportunity immediately think positive, growth, potential, etc…all positive things. For me the words alcohol (my DOC) and opportunity don’t exist in the same sentence. Have you tried any therapies to change the way you are thinking? 6 months is awesome. Now that you’ve done 6 months- you can totally do a year :blush:… and then some!

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