Relapse/Starting Over

At 100 days sober I had an overwhelming urge to drink and was in a dark place mentally. I tried calling my sponsor but he wouldn’t pick up, I ended up drinking a 12 pack of Miller High Life and going to a bar and drinking until I had a blackout and didn’t even remember leaving or walking home. I binged for a few weeks on alcohol and marijuana. I had my last drink last night and have been miserable for the past few weeks but didn’t know how to stop again. I’m grateful to be sober today and hope for permanent abstinence. I hope you all are doing well.


sorry to hear this but as you know there is no magic cure, find something positive in the experience, one day you will just get sick and tired of it, you already know you don’t want it anymore it’s just a matter of time before your ego and conscious mind catch up.


Hope alone is not going to get you there.
You got any plans to move forward with?

Maybe you would like the Feb29ers group? Those guys are great and helping me out wonders!

100 days are a great job!


You did 100 days so you can do more. Think about how you can avoid a relapse next time. Your sponsor didn’t pick up the phone, but could you have phoned someone else too? Ore come here on this forum to vent? Or try to distract yourself from the urge to drink? Etc.
Make a plan! What are the options when cravings occor, what are you going to do instead of drinking?


You’re here mate. That’s a great start. If you ever have a tough time and consider relapsing, re-read this post. Best of luck :+1:t2:


I’m glad you are back after your relapse. Good luck.

What plans do you have to stay sober this time???

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Man. If I had a white chip for every relapse. Lol. How many times have you heard that. I had time. I’m not one of those yo talk about how much. A relapse is a relapse. What is important is that you accepted you had no power over your drinking. Your back on the wagon. Go to a meeting and have a short memory. Life will go on and you will be good sober.

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