Relapsed. 24 hours clean from alcohol

1 week sober today. Had alot of cravings but managed to get through. Trouble sleeping. Anxiety also… and today started having brain fog… hope this goes away. Thank you everyone for the support.


Hi, well done one one week, that can be tough to reach. Congratulations :sparkling_heart:


So good to hear man, do it for yourself. There’s always other women. Save your money up, do good things with your kids when you have them. ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE!!!


Awesome ! Don’t worry. The brain fog is normal and it does go away. Hang in there. Not sure if you do any type of meetings but for me this is an essential part of my life. Being connected with others that think like me has been very beneficial. Wishing you the best !


Congratulations on your 1 week. How are you doing today?

Those first couple of weeks are a bit of a blur but I am sure it starts getting much easier around now. My biggest problem in the second week was feeling grumpy that I couldn’t drink, but a lot of the physical symptoms eased then.


I just stayed busy all day. Working alot and working out. Been craving alot of sugar and alcohol of course. It’s still cold in Iowa so there’s nothing really to do here. Boring while staying sober sucks. Hoping it gets better!


You have to make it better.

Hoping could leave you disappointed.

Being disappointed could make you thirsty.

Congrats on a week! It’s huge!

My brain likes to remember fun times drinking. It quit being fun way before I quit.

I picked up old hobbies and started new ones to keep me occupied and entertained. I spend money I would have spent on booze to finance those hobbies.

I had girl problems. Instead of dwelling on it I worked on myself.


Staying busy is a good plan. This part is initially painful but the rewards are so great. I gave in to the sugar cravings, anything to get through. I have rediscovered puddings which I didn’t know I enjoyed.

Sorry it is so boring. Is there anything you fancy trying, a new hobby etc.? I spent a lot of time (and the money I saved) treating myself.


Good job on staying sober, especially through a hard time!

It’s a great decision, alcohol would eventually make it only worse and I am pretty confident that you would regret it like many of us always did…

You can have amazing life and believe me, sobriety and the way through it will get to be fun. You will see huge changes in your personality, you will discover your true potential, you will likely rearrange your priorities, you will find out how many people you don’t need in your life anymore and vice versa - you will meet new valuable connections, and many more awesome things will happen to you if you stick on the sober path.

It’s only words now, but once you experience all of this, you won’t want to go back to that drinking hell ever again.

Wishing you good luck :four_leaf_clover: Keep that bad drinking memories to lead your way out and your mind open to new opportunities :wink:


Night 16. Today was horrible. I had horrible anxiety and weird thoughts…I’ve been drinking for about 20 years and being sober I’m actually looking at like. And it seems like everything is different. It’s almost to much to take in. I’ve been tried sobriety a couple times but failed quickly… seems like the world has changed so much in the last few years and I’m just waking up to it now.

It’s weird because I felt so good the last few days and woke up feeling this anxious feeling and lingered with me all day. Anxiety was like a roller coaster all day.

I almost had a drink today. And said screw it. But I fought through the anxiety and crazy thoughts and made it through the day. Almost 2am and wide awake.


I just read your thread (I’m wide awake in Iowa, too lol) and I want to commend you for how hard you’re working to move forward for you and your kiddos. You’ve been dealt a bad hand and treated poorly, but those are things outside your control. Looking at what you DO have control over can help with the anxiety. Have you tried any tactics for relieving anxious feelings? I have anxiety, too, and some days it seems to be triggered out of nowhere. I use breathing techniques (Google box breathing) and listen to a lot of guided meditation and sobriety podcasts. Honestly any podcast that is remotely interesting helps me because it gets me out of my head and I just take deep breaths and focus on the people talking. Hang in there. You can get through it. I’m super proud of you for not giving in today. Every time you get through a craving you build your sober muscles and it gets easier over time. But it helps to be prepared for when the random (or not so random) anxiety gets triggered or you get a craving. Remember that drinking only increases anxiety in the long run, too. I believe you can get through the next minute, next half hour, next hour and get to tomorrow.


Also wanted to say that since you drank for such a long time it will take your body time to find a balance, and equilibrium. Have you seen a doctor to talk about your symptoms? That is what really helped me even though it took me months Of struggling with anxiety and insomnia to get the courage to make an appointment. I was given some medication to help. They can certainly offer you some help and suggestions. Sleep does get better, it does. I’ve always had insomnia and building a healthy nighttime routine is what helps me most. Unfortunately I don’t follow it like I should and screen time at bedtime is my down fall. Anyway, hope you get some rest, even if you lie down and close your eyes and deep breath it can be restful to your body without sleep. Sorry for rambling on.


17 days sober. Got some sleep and worked out today. Wow what a difference that makes. Don’t know if was the sleep or working out but I felt 10 times better today.


Great news, sounds like you are doing all the right things. Glad you are feeling a bit better :blush:

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So glad to hear it. Exercise is magic! So is sleep of course…:sleeping: Congrats on your sober days!

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Way to fight Corey !!! Great job !

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22 days down. Still having weird thoughts. I’ve been dizzy to lately. Has anyone had that before??. Hoping it goes away. Feel like I’m more aware of things and over thinking.

Have more energy. But still take me along time to unwind and fall asleep. Took me 3 hours the other night. Just laying down with my eyes closed and couldn’t turn my brain off.

Having a way better relationship wirh my boys. I have way more patients the last couple days then I have ever had. More calm and relaxed.

Been trying to eat healthy and exercise and keep my mind busy. I live in Iowa so the weather finally is nice and can enjoy the outdoors…thank you everyone for the advice and the support. Much love. God bless you all.


I still have plenty of weird thoughts, and difficulty sleeping when I’m supposed to be sleeping. Like right now.

22 days! Nice!

How long have you been sober??

two and a half years. Its not always like this. I’ve had a lot of inner peace along the way. I have a lot of my plate.

I have to work for inner peace. It’s always up and down. Knowing I’ve had it makes me believe I can get it back, therefore willing to work on myself more.