Relapsed again & depressed

I relapsed and i feel this is the only place for me to vent with others that will understand me. I went on a 4 day binge and haven’t ate anything I left my house and came to my mothers because I was afraid I would die in there alone. I can’t keep doing this but I know what I need to do make meetings and come here to check in, that’s where I failed at. My body is tired right now, I’m tired as well mentally and physically, drinking is making me sick and I’m desperate now to seek help. This is my day one but I have hope this time I’m desperate and want to heal and be a better person the way I’m going I’m afraid I might not make it to see another day .


You made the right choice to go to a place for help. Hang in there! You are going in the right direction! Be gentle to yourself. Nourish your body and drink lots of water. Keep going. Stay strong! You got this! Day 30 today for my second time. Sending good vibes your way.

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Thank you so much and kudos to you on your 30 days!! You give me hope it’s hard but I want this badly. My mom gave me some vitamins but every time I drink water it just hurts and I want to eat but I just can’t manage to stomach anything. I’ll try to take sips of water I just woke up and just cried in bed at the vicious cycle alcoholism has me in. I’m really tired :cry:


Get hydrated replenish your electrolytes some tomato soup or chicken broth if you cant eat yet. Take it easy on yourself and just dont feel to bad about the binge, just realize that it has to stop before its too late. Glad you were able to get somewhere safe. Take care and remember theres always someone that can help you overcome what your struggling with.:pray:


Just try to rest and sleep. You are detoxing and your body will heal more during sleep. It will take time. Im still tired from over 20 years of drinking. When you start to feel better take a walk and get some fresh air. I’ve been reading quit lit and people’s stories as inspiration. The only reason I truly could commit this time is for my health. My hair is excessively shedding again so no more poison for me. I want my hair back, my health and happiness back too. :blush:

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Thank you so much :heart:. I need to stay connected with people. I’ve moved on my own to a new neighborhood and I just hate it so I started staying home alone drinking but that’s not the way to be. I’m not sure if I should break the lease or tough it out for a year I mean alcohol is everywhere but I just feel safer with my mom. I’m also type1 diabetic so these binges and not eating are very dangerous. The days just kept passing and I didn’t even realize that it was going on 4 days of no food until I came to my senses yesterday morning.

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Stay connected and really do take care, get a solid support system to help with feeling alone and isolated glad your here and hope you can get your strength back soon.

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Can you tell me where I can read those as well? Is it a book “Quit Lit?” Yes my body is definitely tired and I want to be healthy and happy too. When I am sober I am happy but then sometimes that voice gets the best of me but it’s insanity and Idk why I keep doing this to myself.

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Omg! I just moved to a new place too! I don’t have friends but the change was good for me since I don’t have any true ties to anything that could trigger me here. I’m not alone anymore. I lived alone 10 years so definitely drank a lot alone or went out and shut down bars. I feel you about being alone so it’s easier to do whatever you want and not worry about the amount of drinking. After you feel better, maybe you can make a list of pros and cons for your future living situation.

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Things will come to an end. So there is always hope what ever missery or horror we experience.

There is never been a day that last forever, just as the sun sets, it will rise at dawn for ever after.
Things will get beter, I can promise you this!

Try to get some rest and let your body heal.
You can do this… stay strong!:blue_heart::muscle:t2::v:t2:


This Naked Mind is a quit lit book I’m reading but there are a ton out there. I started with the free audible trial to get the book and listened to it twice. I decided to get the book to actually see the words as well. Check out Amazon for some quit lit books. If you search This naked mind I’m sure you will see more alcohol related books. I like to read reviews about the books as well to see if it’s worth getting. I hope this helps.

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For me “Quit lit” is quitting alcohol literature and books

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Ahhh yes lol i understand well that made me smile. I will definitely download that book tmrw. I just stomached two small cookies and I’m back in bed now I’ll continue reading here until I fall asleep. Thanks for caring and giving me strength and hope :heart:…. I feel a little better already.


Hey @StarK31 Kiki and welcome here. Hungover and sick and tired is a good place to be to crack open a good book. I read the Recovering by Leslie Jamieson and loved it.

Here’s lots more.

Resources for our recovery

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Thank you so much….I’m back in bed and will start reading now until I get sleepy. Thank you for sharing resources it’s very much appreciated and I’m going to use them!