Relapsed and Struggling

I’m struggling. I relapsed last night after being sober for 3 weeks. Does it ever get easier?


Welcome to Talking Sober!

Ah, these relapses in early recovery… this shit sometimes happen and it’s okay, don’t worry. Important is to find what triggered you that you relapsed, so you can work on it. :smiling_face: You’re on right way, which will be - yeah - long and sometimes hard, but will give you a lot of positive feelings. Important now is to not give up. I believe in you that you can do it. :heartpulse:


Dust yourself down, today is a new day :pray:


Welcome Kaleena
This sobriety business is some of the hardest but most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Asking for help and getting support finally got me on the right track. And daily gratitude work.

Have a good read around check in often.



Good evening, I am in the sixth cure… And yes, it “happens” but it is always very difficult. However, we realize that we were able to stop for a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. It’s important to trust yourself and to tell yourself, I can still do better!
:+1: A lot of courage and all my support


Welcome! Coming here saved my life. Get really active here.


It did for me. It has definitely been a practice and a process. You have to rewire your brain, at first your first reaction to stress is to want to drink, the sight of a bar or bottle makes you want to drink, because that is the association in your brain. But I rarely think of alcohol now, and can watch others drink, and it doesn’t bother me.

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It does get better. I know you are disappointed right now but you can turn the negative into a positive. Think of how you felt this morning after and kind of hold that feeling side-by-side after you had 2 to 3 weeks of sobriety. big difference isn’t it? you can do it!

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