Relapsed, but not disastrous. Need to think more

Relapsed - Friday, rough situations, anxiety, desperate need to relax and feel good got me. I think was over confident, and maybe not so determined. 3/4 of a red wine bottle. Nothing bad happens, but flagged me that going beyond a week clean an efectivelly removing alcohol from my life is still a bit of an incognita/conundrum (struggling also with English here apparently kkk).

I don’t know now, need to think some more, I’m a bit confused.

Maybe think and do more, have a good read around the past threads, there’s tons of tips,tricks and good advice available at your fingertips. Search out sober toolbox and see what other members have in theirs,with addiction the saying that failing to plan is planning to fail couldn,t be more poignant and true.
Do you still have alcohol in your home,was it there before you drank yesterday? If so then I would strongly advise that you dispose of it, then the next time your tempted to drink you would actually have to go out to buy some which may just give you the time to think about it and play the tape through to the end,perhaps causing you to come to your senses.
You can do this if you truly want to,attaining and maintaining sobriety is Damn hard work, it takes everything that we can throw at it. It’s so much more than just not drinking.
I wish you well. :slight_smile::+1:


Thanks mate, really good advices and thoughts in there. I need to think a bit, bit confused. It I’ll read again your thouthgfull post a few times I guarantee you that

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