Relapsed. Day one again. Tramadol

Relapsed again. Today is day one again. This is the worst bit. Does anyone have any tips on ways to make the detox a bit more bearable?


The Only way Out is through… Unfortunately… Kinda have to pay to play on opiates. The more u can taper down and stabilize doses will help how servere it is. Takes alot of dicipline to do that unsupervised as an addict… But it is possible… As for OTC meds and recipes online not much helpped me… Best thing to do is try to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for a few weeks. It does get better after that.


Thank you so much for your advice. Much appreciated I hope you are keeping well.

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Thank you so much. If you could tag me in it I’d really appreciate it. I hate the cold sweats and restless legs. I reduced my dose last week. Hopefully it will help.


Baoding balls can help occupy the part of the brain that wants to throw you across the room. Massage also helped me but you can’t do that everyday. Lots of water and time my friend.

Also, I second the magnesium. Look specifically for magnesium glycinate.


Can you please tag me in the thread? Thanks :slight_smile: