Relapsed!feeling guilty!

sorry guys…I relapsed today…I watched porn and masterbated…after good 19 days…is it too harmful!!!now I have to reset the clock again…

Can I ask why you feel like your addicted to porn? You went 19days what made you relapse? What kind of porn was it? Are you single? What were you doing that kept you not interested to watch porn? If any of these you feel are to personal don’t replay. I’m only asking these were some asked of me

actually, to be honest,I am addicted to porn and masterbation for so many years…more than 10 years…now, I am 25…yes,I am single…I am from a country,where extramarital sex is forbidden…I am from a muslim country…I jogged,read books, watched movies to stay away from touching myself and watching porn for last 19 days…but,today,I was triggered so many times,and made that mistake…

porn choice is mainly incest…aunt or some older woman with younger boy type porn clips…I am feeling ashamed to tell u that,but, I want to be honest with myself…

An addiction can happen with anything even something that makes you feel good. I was molested by father and brother at the age of 5 and from this my urge to feel good started early. I didn’t want to head in the direction as they did which almost happened so I chose to pleasure myself. And by doing this it turned into a 40yr issue. I’m 51 delt with it along time. I’m pretty much in check with it it’s not running my life anymore.

And don’t feel bad about being open about this we need to let this demon out to anyway how. Here’s something to do if you really want to stop. Put a block on your access to porn give yourself a pass code this will make you have to take steps to watch porn. Putting a pass code might give you a chance to think if you really want this. Don’t make it easy for you make yourself see what your having to do to watch porn. This urge to masturbate only last till you get off but it’s amazing being in that much pleasure only makes you feel like shit after it’s done. Masturbating isn’t bad for you it relrases tension in the body the only way it becomes a bad thing. Is when it runs your life. Try this see how it goes. I’m a recovering alcoholic my addiction ran my life and so did masturbating I’m 1783days sober and masturbating when I want to. Let me know how things go and never be ashamed it takes a strong person to say what’s wrong with and sometimes easier to tell it to someone you don’t know. I’m proud of you don’t let this ruin your life by letting it take over it.

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thank u so much…your words are so inspiring!!! but,sorry to hear about your unnpleasent childhood…and proud of u what u have become,a very good man with a great heart…plz, pray for me…thanks again…

Definitely will. You got this just don’t knock yourself down about this. It’s something you’re aware of and that my friend is the first step to solving your problem. Never be afraid of anything it’s the only thing that holds us back. It’s just a feeling like all our others💪

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