Relapsed, on day 2 now

Hya, on day 2, and my cravings from alcohol are so strong, any adice welcome, i seem to hit a wall after about 5 weeks and so fed up!


First of all, welcome to the TS community @Lisab3 being here is a very big step.

The choice to keep coming back and stating you want to quit and remain sober is a giant choice that you’ve made. It takes an army of support and resources but good news is they’re out there for you, armed and ready to do battle with you.

There’s a thing called the 5 stages of change that talks about the readiness and acceptance to fight this.

Build as many supports and resources that you can. Know that you’re not alone. It is possible and you can do this, you have it within you.

Do you have any medical professionals helping you through this?


Hiya, welcome to the show!

During those 5 weeks, what did your recovery program look like?

I’ve had a lot of non-starts in my time and it wasn’t until I adopted a recovery program that I was able to achieve indefinite sobriety.


I was very low, and just self loathing, i need to change my mindset,


We cannot do this alone and ill equipped. Find your community (like you just started to do by coming here)

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This site is great, feeling a lot more positive reading people’s experiences x


Without support and a program, it’s very difficult to be sober with purpose.

There’s many programs to choose from;

  • AA
  • SMART recovery
  • Women for Sobriety
  • Lifering
  • Many more…

Some peope, like myself, use this site as their program. I’ve learned a great deal about sobriety and recovery and had support along the way.

I feel if the minimum you did was visit everyday, read and participate by checking in daily, you will have great results.

Hope to see you around and be there on your journey!


Welcome Lisa! :blush:
This forum and AA saved my life. I have to work on my recovery daily. If I don’t then I’m working on a relapse. I hope you find what works for you.


Welcome! What have you tried to quit? For me just trying to ‘not drink’ didn’t help. I tried various things, including quit lit, and finally AA to stop. Here are some ideas.

Resources for our recovery


Its alcohol, i do have 1 aa meeting i can get to, so will be going back, i just need to stop giving in when i get cravings, things are not that great at home so maybe im using it to escape? But as you know, it doesn’t work

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I dont have anyone helping, drs just give me anti depression tablets,

Welcome Lisa. Do exactly what you were doing to earn your last clean time and beef it up with a sponsor and meetings.