Relapses again

So I picked up again not got any excuses tbh was 7 months sober reset this morning time to try again


Great to see you getting right back in the sober track David.
We are here with you :pray::people_hugging: congrats on your day 1.



I did exactly the same after 7months,
and of course there was a feeling of disappointment, but ultimately it reminded me how much I was still so desperate for sobriety.
My last drink was 4.5years ago and every now and then I’m curious about drinking but I tend to laugh off those “what ifs” so perhaps the desire has been removed? I dunno :thinking:
Stay strong. You still have 7months sober time to work from my friend :smiling_face:


Glad u came back right away :slight_smile: how have u been doing since u last posted?


Feeling better brain fog starting to clear will be back to a AA meeting this week was back at work today just takin it one step at a time :heart:


It’s good to see you around :people_hugging:
Glad you found your way back.

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great to hear David! One step at a time is the best we can do - we are here if you need support. :pray:

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I wish icould get 7 days. What did youdo to make it that far? Meetings, meditation? How did youfight urges? What was your inyour recovery?

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I go to AA that’s my main thing use exercise to help my anxiety aswell coming up for 5days again sober going to join a AA group tonight and get a sponsor go back through the 12 steps and work the program

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Hot damn. That is indeed the answer. I do online zoom meetings myself. Thank you for contact.

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