Relapses are getting more frequent, am I going backwards?

I recently looked at my statistics and realised that my relapses are getting closer together instead of further apart. I’m so scared of going back to using every day and I can feel myself getting tempted more often but I just don’t know how to say no! Any tips?


Are you in a recovery program…or are you doing this by yourself?

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I have a support worker and I attend weekly sessions with her

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Coming here will help. Those that come here daily and participate generally have solid sober time. Weekly sessions are great…ever thought about adding something like AA, NA, SMART OR Recovery Dharma?


I have some left and I know I should flush it but something is holding me back, I’m so scared if I flush it I lose my safety net!

Is it really a safety net? For me, booze…looking back did absolutely nothing good for me. If it were truly a safety net, you wouldnt want to quit.

Only way to get sober is to get that stuff out of your life


I know you’re right logically but I’ve been using for 4 years and I don’t know who I am without it, I want to keep it in case I need to retreat back to where I’m comfortable but I know that’s not a safe place

Find a program of recovery and work it. Wok it daily. Work it daily for a year. Follow the suggestions people give you, even if you disagree. Follow the suggestions because if you knew how to stay sober you would have. Follow the suggestions because the people giving them have stayed sober by following the suggestions of the sober people before them.

My program looked like this:
30 days inpatient rehab
3 months of IOP 4x a week
1-2 AA meetings daily for 6 months. Continued AA attendance at over 6.5 years sober.
2 months of IOP 2-3x week
Therapy/counseling weekly
Sober living house.

Most importantly I got a sponsor and worked the steps and continue to do that to this day


Read around here, those of us that got sober found amazing lives to lead. Only thing holding you back is you.


Upgrade your recovery, relapses are part of active addiction no matter how far apart they are. An IPO might give you to right start to get you on the way. Adding a recovery program like already suggested is a good next step. I don’t know your current situation regarding withdrawal effects, so a detox might help there. It’s definitely not a safety net but might be your downfall.