Relapsing yet again due to miscarriage

How does everyone deal with relapse if anyone? I have now relapsed (2 time now) and don’t know how to go about things??? I just recently lost a baby and don’t know how to cope with anything… I’m so very lost on how to cope with anything at all at this point.


Hugs, I am so sorry you lost your precious baby.
Everything @Looking4Support said…
Help, community, sharing could be helpful for you in dealing and processing your grief…. You will always have grief, at some point it might be less.
I applaud you for looking for help with your sobriety.
Seems like you do know that the answers are not in whatever your DOC is.
ODAAT commit to not using. Let your sobriety be something that will help you feel good about something instead of the grief and loss you feel from the miscarriage.
Checking in here you will find help, compassion, friendly faces and words.
Welcome to the community.


I’m so sorry for your loss. After a miscarriage your body, hormones, mental state are in such turmoil that alcohol or any mood altering drug is the last thing you need. Be gentle with yourself, give it some time, treat your body and mind well, and then look into some support for your recovery.
When I was very lost I needed something to follow. A program like AA, Smart or Recovery Dharma lets you follow other peoples’ leads. When you are free of what alcohol or drugs do to you, you can cope with so much more.