Relasped with pills feel like shit

got high again, and i feel like shit. i feel like such a failure and hopeless. pidk if i can do this and i don’t agree with NA cause of all the god stuff. so i use this as my NA

This is a lovely nugget. Ty

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Maybe have a word with your doctor maybe arrange a therapist wish you well


Sorry you feel terrible today.
Have you spoken to anyone else about your struggles?
A friends parent
School counselor
Trusted teacher
Being a teenager can be a challenging time. Having an addiction will make things so much worse. I started drinking and smoking at about your age. It took me over 20 years to quit.
I’m so proud of you for reaching out at such a young age.
I’ve never been to NA but I attend AA. I didn’t believe in God when I started AA.
I stuck it out because i really wanted to be clean. Thankfully no one pushed God on me and I got sober.
You can stay clean. Just keep trying.
Have you tried changing your routine
Maybe started working out walking hiking drawing playing music. Whatever just dont use.
Keep coming back. We are here for you

thank you for your support, i have my girlfriend i can go to, but she has a lot going on, since she might be expelled so i might tell her idk.

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Being honest with someone can be very helpful.
Keep trying.
Be patient with yourself
You are a strong young man, you can do this.