Relationship changes

Has anyone else noticed that you kind of have less tolerance for lying and stuff like that when you quit drinking. It’s almost like when I was drinking I would just go along with the program no matter what was going on. Now I seem to be putting my foot down more. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, I’m not sure if I’m clear does anybody know what I’m talking about?


Thank you so much! Once again, it feels great, that we are not alone. We have a shared experience and you’re right, the more and more Sober Time I have the more and more it is happening. Thank you again.


This is starting to get very true for me as well. I’m starting to think I’m going to be letting a lot of people go in my life pretty soon as my tolerance for bullshit, and negativity is really getting thin. I starting to find my time every day more and more valuable. I want to use it for the best possible ways, and outcomes.

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Im that way with friends who almost ruin their marriages because if their drinming, but dont think they have a problem. Like passing out drunk with kids, sending nudes and arranging meet ups with exes, falling through glass doors etc, but they dont think they have a problem. Just overall less tolerant for bullshit in general. Doesnt even have to be lying, whether its to themselves or others or even me. Just a short fuse for overall bullshit.

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