
Im moving to Germany from Ghana to study for my masters in October. And I’ll be 18 months sober in October 2023. It’s an amazing feeling of gratitude for what is ahead of me but my healthy fear makes me anxious about the change. Anyone want to talk more?


Welcome to the community and a massive congratulations on 18 months. What are you fearful of regarding your move. :nerd_face:


Welcome to Talking Sober! Congrats on your current time sober!
Lots of people from Germany on this site.
Checking in here for accountability is good. Many check in on the Daily Checking in to Maintain Focus thread.
Look forward to change as something exciting!! Not something that is going to take you down and threaten your sobriety.
You’ll already have a welcoming committee from some German online members here plus the rest of us are pretty nice and supportive too.
Talk about how you feel and it will hopefully become more ‘familiar’ to you by the time you make the move.
It’s good you have the healthy outlook of protecting your sobriety.
Best wishes to you as you go forward in your sober life.


You’re gonna have a great time probably, Germany is a great place to live and study at, I’m german I’ve lived here my whole life and I love it here :smiley: Likely you’re gonna be having a good experience here, and congrats on your long sober period!


Change is exciting, but it can also be scary. When you break it down it makes perfect sense, it’s fear of the unknown. Our lives as they are right now is our normal. Normal is familiar to us, and makes us feel safe. It’s perfectly understandable why you’d feel this way, it’s a big change for you.

When you get to Germany, everything will feel strange and unfamiliar for a while. Studying there will quickly get you into a routine, and routine is good. It will help you feel more rooted there. When you feel rooted you will feel less fearful, as life there will become your new normal.

I hope this makes some kind of sense to you. You’re doing great, and you have such a bright future. Sobriety suits you, you’re getting things done and striving to meet your goals. That has got to be something to be proud of, well done! Keep going, you’re going to be just fine x


Hi, welcome and well done on the sobriety!

Apprehension is normal when moving away from what has become your normal and support structure. It mat seem scary at first but I’m sure things will be OK, you need to find a group that is supportive and be willing to adapt, then just enjoy the experience.

Good luck