Replased and having a hard time

so this past week has been rough, decided to ruin my 2 month sobriety over a few beers. my car broke down, I had finals and I also came across of being thrown in jail for a warrant that occurred 3 years ago. I lost track of the important things, but in reality I know these types of situations will happen. It is hard to stay sober but iam doing it and wont give up no matter what comes at me… Reading all of your guys posts helps a ton.


Hmmmm, I think I’d try to take care of that warrant. What do u need to do for that?

Oh, and …don’t drink or use today.
Take care

i got court Monday so we will see how that goes… but been sober since last Tuesday. thanks for the reply.

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Sending you heartfelt love,light and positive energy towards a your sober days * I have 8 days so far * good luck on your warrant :heart::heart:

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thank you!!! most def needed some positivity <3

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A few beers over 2 months ain’t nothing to shake a stick at. It’s pretty darn good. Keep at it pal, it’ll get better.
Progress, not perfection😉


i usually would go for days, sometimes weeks but i am proud of myself for only having a couple, but the real goal is take it hour by hour day by day. thank u for that. positive vibes sent to you! :slight_smile:

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I volunteer at the courthouse now, at the information desk. It’s very interesting and I’m really enjoying it. Try to get there a little early for your appointment. You never know what the traffic will be like.:unicorn:

sounds good thank you for letting me know. :slight_smile: glad your doing that

Very few of us got sober the first time we tried. You learned some lessons about hard times making you want to drink. They used to make me want to drink too. Now, when I’m getting in a bad place in my head, I call a sober friend and talk those urges through. It usually doesn’t take long for them to remind me that if I drink? I’ll still have the original problem - and I’ll be hungover, sick, and saddled with new issues. It’s never worth it, no matter how much I romanticize it.

You know what I love? You. Came. Back. You were honest about what happened. You are making progress in getting to the sober life you want to have. It ain’t easy for any of us. Just know that you have folks here who will listen and help you up when life gets hard.:heart:


you are right, i guess i know exactly what to do, but for some reason i had to revisit my old life and know i will not go back no matter how hard i want to drink. but thank you for being here i am happy to call you my friends here.

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I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time. I’ve been in trouble with the law too. It is def easier dealing with the law sober. Stay focused, positive and strong. We’re here for you. Best wishes.


thank you for the positive vibes i needed that :slight_smile:


I’m glad you came back, talked to us, and are still pursuing recovery! The fact you bounced right back and got back on the wagon is really encouraging. I hope everything goes well with court and you can move on with things. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


I keep ginger beer (non alcoholic) in my house. We all have those hard days/weeks/months, and sometimes it’s all too much. But we’re wiser and stronger now that alcohol doesn’t control our lives; WE DO. Just the motions of stopping to have a drink can suppress my relapse trigger but I’m full of cane sugar instead of regret. :slight_smile:
Journaling can help sort out what we’re going through at our worst, and is a reminder to future challenges on how we got through them. Have you tried?

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thank you for the support :slight_smile: i will do what it takes to stay sober and when things gets hard i will seek help asap. thakn u for being so understanding :slight_smile:

that sounds like something needed! i will definitely have to look into it because i want to be sober and that would be really handy to go read and remind myself why i am sober. :slight_smile: thank you for the comment