Reset again, again

Omg! Thank you so much! This made start to cry reading your response! But I see this a good thing! I will, about going to meeting but now I’m afraid, I may start crying in one. Again, thank you for your support @19801. I’m going to pull myself together and get to work. Last thing I need is to lose my job! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lots of us cry in our first meeting, crying is good for us it’s an emotion we’re supposed to have .bottling things up is not .please stop letting the doubt and fear win and go sending you love and strength at work :people_hugging:Xx




That’s a great plan, really keep my fingers crossed for you. There are so many situations or better said thought patterns that are so common across of all of us! btw, a very strong element in keeping up to sobriety plan as well as to fresh mind and many many other positive factors is: being in motion - starting from a 45mins+ walk at fast pace or any other sport as you like, at least 180 intensive minutes per week.


Congrats on 5 days! Keep taking it one day at a time!


Here you are, 5 days under your belt! Congrats :people_hugging::tada::sunflower:

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So I’m hours away from a week sober!!! It feels good! I decided to take myself and the dogs away from the house this last Thursday. I really just need some myself time.

Hubby came up on Friday which was ok. Then yesterday, we stopped for a snack and I ordered a mojito mock tail yummy. He decided he needed a real alcohol drink which of course did not stop there, but I did not join him and the evening went ok.

At one point, he started getting a little pissie but he stopped. I don’t think he likes me much when he gets a certain level of buzzed. But I was sober and he gone back home. He did congratulate me on my sober time and was proud of me.

He said, he was that sorry he drank last night. I told him, it is alright you got to do you and I will do me. And I will leave at that…

And I remain here at the beach with the dogs until Thursday. I’m enjoying my sober evening on a sunny back porch with the dogs!!



This feels so good to achieve!!!


Hell yes! :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t2: Congratulations! :confetti_ball:


I’m so proud of you @LaVonne congratulations on your week sober your flying in the face of adversity as we all have to sometimes. picking up our tools of recovery, listening to others and doing as we’re told is essential. :pray:t2:I take so much from this beautiful forum and implement all that people share and struggle with and win into my struggle s .I’m becoming a braver stronger more capable human because of it .sending love strength and serenity to you today :heart::kissing_heart::people_hugging:

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Thank you so much! :blush: @19801. I feeling pretty good but staying humble about it too. I’m body is definitely thanking me and my skin is already looking less red! I will continue this path tomorrow. One moment at a time. I made to the pillow another night sober and listening to the ocean in the distance. Take joy in the little things right now.


Wow your so lucky being able to listen to the ocean .I’m going to look up some meditation podcasts with ocean sounds so I can do that too :heart:


You’re doing great, the first week is like hell week in boot camp, you’ve made it through the toughest part…congrats!!!


Such wonderful advice. I will do the same too … thank you so much. :heartbeat:


Welcome to the forum @Jekyl and @Jennifer.p1294 :kissing_heart:


Last night at the Beach! Enjoying a cup of Hot Chocolate! I’m glad, I did this for myself and tomorrow morning I will wake up ten days sober! I’m feeling better, I may not have completely destroyed my health from years of daily drinking! I feel will be able to maintain my sobriety when I get home. I just need to remember, I want this for myself! And I have proving to myself, I can do it! The urge to have a drink will pass and I can get through them. I’m happy with myself and not waking up without a hangover. So, I will continue to do me. My sobriety is mine alone and it is not tied to my Hubby’s. And Hubby can do him. I don’t know what the future holds but staying sober is my top priority!!!


Waking up to this feels so good! I know i still have long road ahead but I will do it sober!!!



Congrats on 10 days

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Back Home and going to bed early, I’m so tried. But I guess that is to be excepted. After punishing my body every day for over a decade with the demon juice. Feeling good, happy to going to bed with a sober head!!