Reset again, again

I’m so happy to see this morning! It has been years since I have went two weeks. This is all due because I truly want to be sober. It was not an easy start for sure, many resets at the beginning.
But I kept at it, because I really wanted it.

I’m happy not to be waking hangover everyday and barely functioning. I was really not enjoying my life, in fact I was not living much of one at all. My alcohol demon :smiling_imp: brain :brain: had me thinking I was.

But what really was happening is I barely getting up out of bed in the morning because I was so miserable. In fact, more and more I would stay there most of the day. But then by afternoon slamming drinks on the couch until I would pass out :dizzy_face: (only except is when I had obligations I couldn’t get out of). THAT is NO LIFE AT ALL!!

Alcohol is a lying DEMON!!

I know that the Demon will always be there and Demon is whispering have drink. But NO MORE!

I have proving to myself, I can! I have the power to stay sober!!!

I’m actually feeling better, far from :100: but better.

My legs and feet are sore because I’m using them in positive way, getting out and walking the dogs twice a day!
Not because, I’m drinking way too much and killing myself.
My happy that my skin is less red, itchy, tingling, and my not waking up in the middle of night thinking I’m dying, etc…
My body is mending (which it needs a lot of mending), I go to bed early because I’m tired. And I wake up early because I rested, not because I’m hangover and miserable.

I love being SOBER!! And I will continue this journey I’m one. I want to be on this journey and live in my life. Instead drinking it away!

I will get to my Day 20 and then some. One moment at a time, one day at time. Using the tools, and support that I have found which helped me to get to this two week mark!!



Great job!


Love the kitty!


@LaVonne the fact you are here and trying is a point of hope. this is no magic but we are no determined to fail. all my support and admiration for your fighter spirit

Yay @LaVonne well done ,keep up the good work on your recovery :kissing_heart::heart::people_hugging:

Thanks, that is the plan! I have for a few years in row stated I don’t want to be drinking by Christmas this year. And I’m well on my way to that, drinking is a zero option for me and when the thought come, I will just have to fight it through. I can keep this going😀.

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