Reset my timer today

I reset my timer today. :pensive: Is anyone on day 1 here with me?


All of us have been there my friend. Keep pushing forward towards your goal. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Dont be to hard on yourself! Learn from it and keep going!! You got this!


I have been there several times over the years. Try not to let it get you down and don’t beat yourself up over it. Mistakes happen, just don’t give up. If you need a friend, don’t hesitate to send me a message. :v::sunglasses:


Glad to see you back and trying on day 1. Don’t let the relapse bring you down. Keep working on your sobriety.

Do you know what caused the relapse? Find ways to navigate that situation or person in a healthier way?

We can’t do this journey alone … Try and get to a meeting or stay active here for support.

Keep strong :muscle:


no some of us havnt , but it happens to some not everyone , maybe try a meeting and meet new friends wish you well


Reseting mine today


You got this! Slip ups happen, just tackle it one day at a time. I believe in you. :v::sunglasses:

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All of us have had at least one day 1. We know it’s hard, and we’re here for you!
Congratulations on restarting! :people_hugging::heart:


You really never tried to stop before the day that you eventually did?


Nope to busy drinking lol went to my first AA meeting havnt looked back ,

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Fair enough pal and all power to you.

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Im right there with you friend. You got this though and its all gonna work out. Dont give up

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How are you doing?

This is true for me @Peugeot501,every day is day one. I have 516 day ones. Accept what is. Let go of what was and have faith with what will be. You and me,we got this!


Day 2.5. I keep resetting mine. I’m a lost cause. But, one day at a time. Eventually it will click. And eventually we won’t touch our DOC ever again.


nah love! never a lost cause cause you have hope and keep trying. well done on 2.5 days!
We are unable to do this alone… this is a lovely supportive community to be a part of. Keep working on your sobriety muscles. We are here to help support you.


I keep relapsing because I hate the low mood and irritability that follows days after……But I will keep trying! x


Thank you for keep working on yourself.
Have you checked with a doctor lately? Vitamin deficiencies play a large role in our moods. You may request some blood work to see where you are at.
Do know that if the urges at the beginning are rough but do not last forever. We can find a way to distract ourselves and stack on the days.
You may also discuss mood stabilizers with your doctor to see if they thing this may be necessary.

Just happy to see you here and trying. Reach out when the urges are strong - we are stronger together! :hugs:

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Maybe you can get some help from a doctor to stabilize your mood for the initial days/weeks. So you don’t feel so compelled.
I’m not a doctor, and also not any sort of expert. But if there is a chemical imbalance, or low vitamins, having a little extra help could be beneficial :people_hugging::heart:
Also, congratulations on your clean time. :tada:

Edit to add: looks like @JazzyS and I were typing the same sort of message. :sweat_smile:


I love that :heart:

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