Resetting in gratitude

I feel :sleepy: so ashamed. I feel awful physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
By the grace of all that is holy I am safely home. I have financial consequences to deal with, but they are minor compared to what could have been.


I am so sorry, that is a horrible way to feel, we have all felt that. I am glad you are home safe. I hope you can rest and feel better soon. Each day is an opportunity. :people_hugging::heart::sparkles:


Welcome back Darlene! Glad you’re home safe. I know that feeling of physical, emotional and spiritual bankruptcy. Financial consequences of my actions didn’t help at all. The good thing is, we never have to feel that bad again. Keep doing the next right thing from here and it will all work out. Sending positive vibes your way.


I am so grateful for the grace that did not end my life(or hurt anyone else). Not because I am afraid of dying, but because it would cause my husband and loved ones pain.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to discover what I am becoming, how other souls can gain, or rejoice in my journey.