Resisting my temptation of my addiction

I am really struggling today to try and not give in to the temptation my cravings are really testing me today and i am struggling mentally too with greif and instead of getting my fix i came on here to remind myself that I can do it i am currently 39 days clean from my addiction and i really want to prove to myself that I can beat my addiction


Welcome to the forum, @ScottishLassie85, and congratulations on 39 days!

Sobriety has it’s ups and downs for most of us, there are better and worse days. At the end of the day (literally!), what’s important is to get your head on your pillow sober tonight and worry about tomorrow and beyond when the time comes. One Day At A Time (ODAAT) makes even bad days bearable because you only need to hang in there until it’s time to go to bed and no-one would blame you if you went extra early to help time along a bit.

You’ve got this.


Thank you for your words of encouragement it really does mean a lot.

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Welcome to the community friend. Sorry that you are struggling tonight. Great work on your 39 days of sobriety. Glad you came here for support. Take some time to read around and join in when you feel comfortable. This is a wonderful community which offers a lot of support and encouragement. Hope to see you around :hugs:


This is the 1st time that i have joined an app to help me and i have only been on a week and it is helping me with my recovery and as well as keeping myself clean i am also running a mental health group on Facebook too and im just starting to get back in to the swing of that too as took time away from it due to my relapse


@ScottishLassie85 of course you can, you made it 39 times already! But I know the feeling so well, I still struggle some days. Thats when I come here and share it, sometimes I’m just whinging… and cant believe that people here are patient enough to listen and talk to me. There is some magic in communicating with people who went through the same hell. Stay strong please xxx


Thank you huni for your kindness it means a lot to me and I am going to stay strong and with everyones support i know I genuinely can do this :heartbeat:


You are more than welcome xxx what are you recovering from?

I am so glad you posted today and are engaging here. This community has been my lifeline in sobriety.
The community if full of fellow members also dealing with addiction and are therefore able to understand and empathize fully. Stay connected friend… lets do this together One Day At A Time :hugs:


Imagine the weight and celebration of 39 days in one hand versus the weight of disappointment and frustration of relapse in another hand :ok_hand:t2:

It’s a no brainer if you clearly crystallise how each hand makes you genuinely feel inside and affects your mood and outlook.

Don’t give in. Do anything to distract yourself. Write a list of all the reasons you shouldn’t partake. Put it on the fridge.

Today, you should trust yourself that you got this :muscle:t2:


From cocaine

I will thank you :blush:

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Thank you huni today is day 40


40 days is great, I don’t know much about cocaine addiction but I can imagine it is as hard to give up as alcohol is, or harder. 40 days wasn’t very easy for me, I gained confidence seeing that I am actually doing it which was great but at the same time I Iost my enthusiasm and I started forgetting why I am even not drinking, I started forgetting bad things.
Coming here on ST every day, sharing my struggle and reading helped so much to stay sober. I read first hand posts from people who relapsed and regret it, and want sobriety back. It helped me to remember where I was not that long ago.


Congrats on 40 days!!! What are some positives you have noticed so far? This place has helped me immensely in my hopefully last attempt at complete sobriety. I find it almost a new routine to come and check in here. There are people in your shoes and in the shoes you wish to be in on here from all around the world with ears open and support to give.

Let’s stay sober together today!! Bright eyes and clear minds are such a beauty to wake up to.

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Awesome, day 40 is great. You got it!

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Doing great hen dont know if you have tried CA meetings they will help my doc is Booze im a long time sober scotsman wish you well


Hi my fellow Scottsman also happy belated burns night this is the only place i have reached out to as i know people on here are going through the same thing as me and my sister and mother have judged me for my relapse and it really did hurt the words they where saying and i love this little community that is non judgemental

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People dont understand thats why i go to meetings to be with like minded people who wont judge me . i live in South Lanarkshire .burns day was a good day for my wee grand daughter was born .


Best advice!

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