Resources or experiences on trauma/PTSD?

I’ve become interested lately in exploring trauma through therapy, self-help, meditation and other practices. Does anyone have any good readings or practices they can recommend for coping with complex traumas, especially related to trauma from abusive relationships or abusive parents?

I’m struggling and feeling really alone in dealing with some triggers at the moment. I feel like I am good at ‘coping’, being functional and getting through things, but I’d like to know how to actually resolve and heal from trauma.

Sidenote, I’m also reading an amazing book called “Getting Beyond Sobriety” which offers some insights on substance abuse as a survival tactic after traumatic experiences from a psychological/Gestalt perspective.


“Complex PTSD - From Surviving to Thriving : A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Abuse” from Pete Walker is an amazing and resourceful read with a great focus on recovery. I also recommend it especially for people, who want to better understand loved ones with a history of abuse.


Coming to this post 3yrs late, but I just got this book after reading this here and it’s really helping me. Cptsd makes sense of so many things for me (including why sometimes being sober feels so much harder and rawer than being drunk, tho I know it’s the right thing)

Hi there!

I’m a blogger and I also have PTSD. I have had some success processing trauma, and I write about it in a series called the Trauma Confession Series. The link is below. When you get to the bottom, simply click the link to the next post in the series. I hope this helps!