Respecting personal boundaries in recovery

Glad your boundaries are strong!! As always, don’t be afraid to reach out to us moderators if someone crosses the line and/or won’t respect your no.


I think that it happens a lot less here than it does elsewhere but it still saddens me to know that it does happen here. We are all to some degree sick individuals and all vulnerable in our own way. If anyone continues to act in this manner towards you then please notify the powers that be.
I can’t for the life of me understand why somebody would want to chat up somebody who is on the other side of the world but perhaps that’s because I’m not like that. I’m glad that they have put you off from using this life saving resource. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:
Funnily enough the first post I ever made on here was on a thread regarding things like this. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


It shouldn’t get to the point where someone has to set a boundary or say no, some people just baffle my tiny brain. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


That was a great thread!

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That was a live stream of a cautionary tale


Yeah, I’ve been on here for 16 days and it only happened once, but on other platforms it was more often, it got to me and I left which led me to relapse as I was too scared to go to AA for support. I like it here. Good people are here.


Oh heeeey! I did t know you were a moderator. :slight_smile: Good to know! Thank you so much!


I am! Always happy to assist if I can! :grin::purple_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::heart:



I have to say I’ve haven’t experienced much of that on here, I did get a message of someone once but no sooner had a read it it was deleted. I wasn’t sure if our mods had seen it and removed it or he did himself (not sure if mods can do that with PM messages? It was just odd how it dissapered so quickly… either that or he read it back to himself after he sent it, realised how creepy it sounded so got rid of it in the hopes I didn’t see :laughing:)

It’s true you have to be very careful with stuff like that, way back when I got attached to someone in a similar way (not on here but via the internet) and it ended badly (as the vast majority do). Id hate to have deal with something like that whilst also tackling sobriety… I’m not sure I could do both…
Be mindful folks, of yourselves and others.


Exactly! :slight_smile: :heart:


This is how crazy early sobriety made me. I think I started this thread around 5 months sober, running right up until 2 years. I created a sequel, but honestly my life is fairly stable these days so I don’t often update it.

Continuing the discussion from The Real Red Derek Diaries of Syracuse:


Always a good idea to give this thread a bump.


Bump bump :boxing_glove:


This is yet another reminder that this is a forum for recovery, not for soliciting dates, photos or sexual content.

Talking Sober Rules and Guidelines

Anyone who is on the receiving end of inappropriate messages is asked to screenshot them and send them to @moderators

It is important that this is a safe place for those in recovery. Sexual harassment, pestering or soliciting dates is not acceptable behaviour.


Very good point

Bumping this post as a reminder to all.


Thank you for bumping this up. It is a good reminder that we are here to work on our sobriety and recovery. Yes, making connections is important. And respecting eachother as people is equally as important. We need to keep in mind that many of our members are in a vulnerable place and some have few, if any, personal boundaries or healthy boundaries.



Bumping as a reminder!
Ladies, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My inbox is always open.


No direct cause, I just thought it might be a good idea to give this thread a bump. Never hesitate to reach out to one (or all, @moderators ) of the moderators when somebody steps over your boundaries.


Bumping this thread for all the newcomers. There’s some great stuff in here that everyone should be aware of, especially those in early recovery. My inbox is always open, please feel free to reach out directly to me or any other moderator.