I royally messed up and today is day 1 for me. One of my triggers (and old drinking buddy) showed up and my defenses were down. This person even knew I was in recovery and manipulated the situation. I caved in. I even tripped and fell and scratched up my face (a nice reminder of why i cant drink) I’m sorry for disappointing anyone (my friends here) and mostly myself. I’m truly embarrassed and full of remorse but I don’t want to give up. My new sobriety date 1-2-2017. I’ll be working harder than ever for my recovery in sobriety.
I’m so sorry @Melrm! I could see myself falling too if a long time drinking buddy was pushy about it. That’s absolutely crummy of them, especially when they knew you were in recovery. I commend you for being honest and coming here. Take care of yourself, today is a new day!
This will only make you stronger ! Look back to this when feeling like caving in … Good luck
Relapses although painful & disheartening provide a stronger root system for our Sobriety trees. Use it to strengthen every ounce of YOU.
I’m so shocked that a friend of yours, knowing your situation, could have done this.
Well, hands up to you for taking the slip (and the slip!) on the chin and resetting!
And the positive from this is that you’ll not get caught out again, and we’ll all be a bit more prepared for ‘an old drinking buddy’ just dropping by!
@Melrm, I’m so sorry you relapsed. I think of you as one of my peeps as a group of us that all joined around the same time. We’re here for you!
@Melrm no need to feel you disappointed any of us. We are all in the same boat! You are strong for admitting you had a relapse and you will be a stronger person now for it. Your sober today that’s what counts right. Wer gonna be here no matter what
Thank you all for your kind words and support.
I think one of the hardest things to realize and accept is that we are human and we make mistakes. You are already on the right track by admitting and accepting that you messed up. The good news is it’s a new day, and you have a new opportunity. Keep your chin up, and be proud that you can be honest to yourself (and everyone here!).
Friend, we have all been there! I have been there more than most people combined! What happens when a trigger is pulled? A bullet comes out. Sometimes we have the mental and emotional reflexes to dodge the bullet and sometimes we don’t. You took a bullet but your not dead. Now you need to just mend the wounds, take it easy, and move on knowing that your stronger than you think! I’ve stopped looking at my past relapses as catastrophic setbacks, but temporary pauses on my journey. We are still moving towards our goal, even if we take a step back or two, the ultimate goal hasn’t changed. Its like when we make a wrong turn enroute and siri reroutes us… you just took a detour… gawd knows that I took MANY of them! lol (hug)
Oh, @Melrm! We are here to cheer for you, and to extend a hand when you fall - never to judge. Hit the reset. Dust yourself off and get going again. This is just a bump in the road ️