Restart help

I made it 9 days and relapsed with alcohol. I meant to have one mixed drink (vodka/ginger ale) to calm my stress-nerves but it got out of hand like usual. My boyfriend almost left in a rage because this was supposed to be the last time.
Does anyone have any suggestions/help? I need accountablity. Please help me.


My suggestion is to go to an AA meeting… You want accountability you will find it there… 2ndly you have to want to get sober for you not for your boyfriend if that’s the reason why you’re trying to get sober it’s not going to keep you sober.

There’s a book called The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and in it there’s a chapter called more about alcoholism and it talks about the lengths that we go as alcoholics to keep drinking, the different methods we try the different types of booze we drink all to delay the fact that we are alcoholic and cannot manage Our Lives. I suggest finding your way to a meeting putting your hand out and asking for help if you truly want help. If you don’t want help none of what anybody is going to tell you is going to work. Excuses will kill you that is a fact. The excuse that your nerves are on edge and you’re stressed out that excuse alone will kill you. So you either want to live or you want to die there is no middle.

I got sober through alcoholics anonymous by finding a sponsor by working the 12 steps by being of service to others by being active in recovery by helping the newcomer by doing whatever it takes to stay sober because I did whatever the fuck I wanted to and whatever I needed to do to get drunk. I choose to live and I live my life through the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and I fucking love my life today… If you want to talk to more hmu in a private msg


What helped me?

No alcohol in my house
Refigarator filled with nice food and alc. free drinks
Telling my spouse about my sober plan
Avoid alcohol related activaties and friends
Having a day counter
Avoid wine section supermarket and liquor store
Taking a strong vitamine B complex
Taking melatonine to help me sleep
Be gentle to myself, like go to bed early
When craving: do anything but don’t drink so walk, run, work out, netflix, shop, study, whatever.
Be here every day to read and check in sober.

So hop right back on the wagon. If you can do 9, you can do 10!


I want to get sober for me. Getting sober to help a six year relationship is a major plus…
I’m wary of AA because I’ve heard it’s religious based and I know that won’t help me. But I will look into that book. I bought the Women For Sobriy books but they seemed kind of harsh and just made me feel worse. But maybe that’s what I need? A kick in the ass?
I’ll try to read them again. I WANT to “get better.” I don’t want to die.


I will try these things, except shopping…that’s a slippy slope :joy:.
Thank you.

You can try “Smart”, it’s not religious I heard. Ore a online recovery therapy if you need something extra?

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It’s not religious based… Lol it’s based on finding a higher power of your own understanding so if you believe in the universe if you believe in Satan if you are an atheist if you are Baptist or whatever or have no beliefs that is perfectly fine before you judge something and make assumptions maybe you should try it. I actually know a lot of atheists who are in AA and are sober


I wasn’t judging, just a point I heard. I’ll look into it.


@Sober_gabby12 is dropping serious knowledge, and @SoberWalker has good tips. Not much for me to add except that AA is low barrier low pressure and you can generally just listen if you are worried about speaking to start out, just sit where you are comfortable, remember you’re surrounded by people there to help each other including you. Also that I would recommend your trying of AA include at least a few different meetings - I’ve learned that my first experiences with the AA were not representative of AA as I understand it now, I had to return to try again, and now I’m getting way more out of it. And if you’re anything like me, you’re not going to really “get” AA from one meeting, I don’t "get"it yet either. I’d hate to see you only give half a chance to something potentially life saving.

Bonus: great place to make sober friends and get numbers to call when you get tempted!

Rooting for success in your recovery. You never have to relapse again if you commit to sobriety as your path.


Thank you :slight_smile:

Also remember… you can’t have just one. Alcoholics don’t do “just one”. So you need to throw out any and all alcohol right now. Someone said be gentle with yourself, which is very true, but you’re going to need to find that balance of being gentle and being tough with yourself. Tough love has helped me tremendously, I have a friend I lean on for support who doesn’t sugar coat things, doesn’t spare my feelings. He calls me out on my crap and helps me figure out where I’m going wrong so that I can work on it. At the same time I don’t beat myself up for small mistakes, I take time out of my day to treat myself whether it be binging on YouTube videos, taking care of my body with face and hair masks, whatever. I also throw myself into journaling, sobriety workbooks, online meetings, this forum, and reading my Bible. I had to seek out every tool I could to keep me on track. It’s a lot of hard work but so worth it in the end


If you are ready for that let me know. Bc I can dish out the truth if you’d like to hear it.


Puts hand up
I’ve been a fervent atheist forever and am really into AA. I’m new to it (been going to about 7 meetings a week for 4 weeks) and really dig it. I came to it with an open mind and open heart because I really needed a change and was incapable of doing it on my own. I have found a HP of my own understanding that works for me, which is not “God”.

I spent 10 years telling myself that I was drinking normally like any other young person. Then another 10 years telling myself that I had “a complex relationship with alcohol”. I recently realized that was complete and utter bullshit. Once I was genuinely ready to make serious changes, I became ready to try anything. I’m so grateful that I got to that point.


This. All day.


Bookmarked for great tips and knowledge

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Dude congrats and it’s awesome that you found what you needed to to be apart of AA! Its so dope!!!

Don’t quit before the miracle happens, right?!

If you ever need to talk hmu!!


Cheers! Much appreciated! :bird:

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AA is not religious ,maybe try ameeting yourself rather than hearsay see what you think wish you well


Aye I’m reading refuge recovery! Do they have meetings near you?

I started meditating regularly. It’s a great way to manage stress and a 5 minute meditation session calms the nerves better then alcohol. And the best thing of all, no one has ever been hurt by out of hand meditation!

Good luck!

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