Restart. Take two

Relasped on my 12th day… Been going through so much lately and I couldn’t even control myself.
I need to find better coping mechanisms.
Last night was very hard and I regretted it immediately but couldn’t stop drinking.

Here I am laying in bed, disappointed in myself but ready to start over. I will not continue to put myself nor my friends and family through this.



Yes you can and will. Find a new approach to not relapse again. What do you need to do differently this time to stay sober? Go everything through in your head what you will do BEFORE taking the first drink. When you get cravings. What will you do? Come here and talk to someone? Or call someone that talks you out of it? Or hit an AA meeting in person or online?


I’m going to consider everything this time. I can’t keep doing this to myself. This time I’ll get it right! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I’d start right here.


I have relapsed so much recently that i will call it a 6 month binge, now trying to get sober again myself. Lets do this together, a lot of support here.

I have not been on the boards for the time mentioned…so, what happened to the daily check in?

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You can and you will! We all fall but as long as you get up, my friend! I am so proud that you are realizing youre struggles. A coping mechanism i do is come on here and explore everyone’s positivity. Also nature. Take a walk. Breathe.

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When I first started down this path…I lived on here. When life was bad, I talked about it. When I was craving, I wrote about it…we have all been in your shoes. If you let us help you, we will!


I read this on this morning and happy to share it with you. They have daily readings that I do each morning to start my day off. :point_down:

Meditation for the Day

Nobody entirely escapes temptation. You must expect it and be ready for it when it comes. None of us is entirely safe. You must try to keep your defenses up by daily thought and prayer. That is why we have these daily meditations. You must be able to recognize temptation when it comes. The first step toward conquering temptation always is to see it clearly as temptation and not to harbor it in your mind. Dissociate yourself from it, put it out of your mind as soon as it appears. Do not think of excuses for yielding to it. Turn at once to the Higher Power for help.



Never give up, we are all in the same boat. Just like you these have been trying times I feed, try not to beat yourself up. Continue on this journey your worth it. Have a great day!:sunny:

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The daily check in is still going strong. Here’s the link Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

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I’m right there with you. I was at day 16 and I let things get to me. I read through a lot of things here that told me I was going through normal feelings that I could manage on my own if I wanted to push through and yet I still willingly went back to it, knowing how ashamed and disgusted I would feel today.

I’m not going to give up…today is a restart. I hope you’re also going strong :muscle:t2: we can do this!

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Lets do it together! You can do it :slight_smile:

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Those 16 days still count! You got this, keep fighting

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Thank you so very much. I appreciate it. Hope your day has been good :slight_smile:

Very wise words. Thank you :heart:

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I’ll try coming on here more often. Thank you :raised_hands:

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