Restless sleep

It’s been Three wks, I relapsed once and have had one night sleep throughout the whole three wks, ugh when is this Gona stop i jus want to sleep… I’m so tired and I even try to get lots or fresh air and do things outside to help my mother while I’m here getting better and nothing. I’m so upset I want to cry. I feel starting to get better but as I get better I feel the drug has messed my whole body my whole system… (well obviously that’s what it did)
when will I sleep when wil I get rest… will I be like this forever…
Sleepless me


Hi, I too have sleepless nights from time to time… When I was first starting my recovery I would wake up with panic attacks and not be able to sleep again. I wasn’t sure what was wrong but a counselor I had, told me it is part of the brain rewiring itself. During the early stages of recovery, drinking lots of water and putting down heaps of vitamins with a balanced diet helped me a lot. I also didn’t insist on sleeping only at night. I slept whenever my body told me to. I would get three hours at night then two hours during the day… It was really bizarre at first but eventually I was able to lump my rest into one nights rest.
Staying active during the day is critical for me, walking, riding my bike, exercising, even mental stimulation like reading fiction or playing video games exercised my brain. I would literally go find random math equations to just challenge my brain haha odd but it worked for me.
I hope this helps! :slightly_smiling_face:

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What you coming off sweet I’m just come off a 20 year herion and benzos addiction

There’s having sleepless nights and there’s having know sleep at all there at opposite ends of the scale without sleep we can’t function properly on every level whe I detoxed it was 2/3 weeks of no sleep then months of building it back up it won’t happen over night but please stick with it,it will definitely get better if you choose to use BC of it ,when u decide to give up again you will have to deal with it again so stick with it you can do this my friend I know how u feel :100:.xxX keep reaching out daily.:pray::pray::pray::pray:

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Thank u. I was smoking hard. And realized it I didn’t stop I was probably going to die… so I got my s*** I moved 2 and 1/2 hours away detox meow I’m back in town and going to meetings and whatnot I’m not having night sweats anymore just dreams tossing and turning it sucks I’m thinking but I can’t make out my thoughts you know what I mean like they’re all jumbled up this process is scary and a lot of things are happening and in my family doesn’t understand so it’s very difficult actually extremely difficult if I didn’t have the meetings even though I’ve only gone to one I’m not sure how I would feel if that makes sense at all