Return my wife? Possible?

So when i decided to quit drinking I told my wife. She told me I could do it and all the same stuff we all heard. I told her about the apps I have and especially this one. We got to talking about it and I got my wife to jump on board without no alcohol.

So she decided to ask me, since we are quitting alcohol if we are going to quit vaping! (Nicotine) Does anyone know where the store is where I can return her for a refund on being defective?? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

(No harsh feelings. I thought it was funny and wanted to share. I still love her tho)


That’s awesome that your wife jumped on board. Now you both can find things to enjoy together without alcohol. Building a new sober life together is great. Wish you both the best!
PS… No Returns!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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listen to this wise woman and quit the vape! :laughing:

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I would quit the vaping. But I have a lot of money invested. I am just glad I quit cigarettes almost 7 yeats ago. Dont think I’ll be able to quit vaping and stop drinking together


I agree :100: vaping keeps me from drinking at this point. I’ll tackle that addiction some other time.

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