An “Excuse” ?
No that is not it.
I know it but will leave it for someone who can come up with something better than I
No one is better than you! The riddle is thought provoking. Please chime in if it sits here too long!
A coffin
Yes. You are up next.
Penny has five children. The name of Penny’s first child is January. The second is called February. Penny’s third child answers to the name March. The fourth one’s name is April. What is the name of Penny’s fifth child.
I’m going to guess May bravely, just on the off chance it is that simple.
Not correct. It’s a tricky one
Is the 5th child March?
Says the 3rd child answers to the name but doesn’t say it’s the childs name?
No. The answer is in the riddle though.
Good lord!! That’s awesome… great riddle
“What” is the fifth child’s name
I’m not ready for one… would you have another doozy ready to play?
It’s all about the punctuation correct!
I don’t have another one yet.
So true…I kept looking and re reading… amazing how the brain works
It may take me a minute to come up with one…open to anyone who is ready
We’re first among cows but not among oxen,
We’re thrice among damsels and thrice among vixen.
What are we?
Do you want a hint?
LOL (howd you know) – yes please (i do but not sure if everyone has had a chance to see and think yet)
Im thinking along the lines of vowels ,“dee”'s and “cee”'s etc. Lol.
I was trying to make consonants work.
Consonants works. Thats my guess.