For the most part of my soberity ive had up and downs more downs to the point where idk if i should give up and just puck up the first drink in over 1 year 6 months its really hard to go through this i feel the obsticales in life are getting ruff man but i dont want to give up just because it dosent go the way i want it to i got to stay strong ive got this:pray:
Don’t do it. Play it forward snd remember why you stopped drinking in the beginning.
Drinking wont make any of your products go away. Youll just be hungover and dealing with them.
Stay sober.
I hope you keep riding out and doing your thing with sobriety. Your calling is deep into sobriety , you inspire and want to push new comers like myself. The longest I’ve ever gone was 6 months, and I relapsed hard after , and it wasnt a great feeling at all.
For the most part days will always be harder then others, I hope you keep pushing for what’s best for you.
1 year and 6 months sounds amazing to me, I’m thirsty to hit over a year. My impatience made 3 weeks feel like forever. Haha. I’m 21 days today.
Congrats on your sober time! Stay sober, just for today, put your head on the pillow sober. ODAAT
Nope. Simple answer to a hard task. Keep doing what you are doing that got you this far but maybe it’s time to add something in (meetings, read a sobriety memoir, take up exercise) to help keep you on the right path. OR it’s time to take something out. Give yourself a break somehow to keep you sane. Your life will not be easier if you give in and drink. Keep up the good work. I’m proud of how far you’ve come.
I just tossed a good chunk of sober time away. Please please believe me, it is the worst. Next time I feel like giving up, I am going to play it forward to exactly the place I’m in now- that’s how bad I feel about my decision. Don’t do it. It’s terrible here. Stay right where you are one day at a time. Once this wave passes, you’re going to feel awesome that you stayed sober. You toss it up, you’ll be wading through the muck like me.
Times like these I really go back to the basics and double down on my recovery plan/routine. Dust off the tools in you sobriety toolbox. Sobriety and recovery are precious. Protect at all costs.