Right now I feel

I find it helpful to let myself name, acknowledge and feel my feelings, rather than letting them stay inside as a repressed, confused mess.

Using this wheel, how do you feel right now?

Right now I feel: Sleepy, Let Down/Betrayed, Annoyed, Hurt/Embarrassed, Abandoned, Trusting/Sensitive, Thankful, Valued, Proud, Curious, Free, Confused/Disillusioned/Shocked.

I just pulled this out with the intention of identifying some negative feelings I was having, but I followed it all the way around and realised that there are lots of positive ones in there too. It made me feel good to realise that, as it helped to not let the painful feelings take over.


No negative thought today just happy ones and thats been for a few years now working my program great being sober keep on trucking


I’m with you. No negative feelings today. Even when I have had them they were fleeting. Today, I am feeling blessed, optimistic, rested and serene!


Right now I feel:
Anxious/Worried, Insecure/Inferior, Insignificant, Let down, Annoyed, Hurt/Embarrassed, Vulnerable, Sensitive, Thankful, Loving, Courageous, Curious, Sleepy.


Right now I feel:
Nervous, Hopeful, Thankful, Loving, Valued, Curious, Free, Neutral, Grounded.


Thank you for this @aircircle.
Right now I feel:
Content, thankful and optimistic.

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We are working with my grandson on naming feelings as well…good stuff!!

Thanks for sharing!

I am feeling contented …drinking another cup of coffee and reading on here.