Risking and Relapsing

Im having a hard time with my mental health and staying sober i have a great man who does not use nor has he ever but i feel like i got so good at hiding my addiction that now ive convinced myself i can keep functioning and using but he recently called me out on it and he has been there every step of the way but i feel my addiction goes deeper than the eyes can see. I feel like ive lost myself and not sure how to get back to a regular healthy drug free life style and routine … how does one get the strength to not want to use or to not feel like i have to use how do i make it stop so i can enjoy this amazing man standing infront of me on a daily basis or enjoy my childrens laughter and be the mom i once was or even better … why cant i get it right .whats wrong with me . Like honestly


First of all I commend you for the accountability and acceptance for your actions. I believe it’s a first step accepting we are powerless and such…
You just have to stay busy because you have one good part to a sober life and that is support. Just Believe in yourself all positive thoughts. Good job :+1::blush: