Roller skating

So yesterday I went roller blading. Amd I fell badly so now my knee is swollen and bruised. Haha. It was because I was trying to impress someone from school so that ended badly. Lesson learned: don’t try to impress others just be yourself.
Yeah I also have two huge blisters on my feet.
But I will always love roller blading. Hoping I can still dance with my knee.


Roller blading sounds fun! Not so much the crashing and getting hurt part… Throw some ice on the knee for the swelling and you should be just find to shake your groove thang at the dance. But the importanter lesson here is yes. Always be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

Lesson here…wear your pads!! ESPECIALLY your wrist guards. Apparantly that is the most common injury from roller blading…falling down and smashing your wrists by breaking your fall with your hands.

I love roller blading so I don’t want to discourage you out but there was a story here years ago about a guy who fell and wasn’t wearing a helmet…he ended up in a coma but since he had no id on him no one knew who he was. It was only after he died that his family found him. It was so sad. So yes, wear your helmet too!!

Now go have fun and show off all your fancy moves!!! :slight_smile:

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