Rough patch, don’t know how to act

I have been trying to find something to say that feels right and I just continue to come up short. My heart and thoughts are with you! I simply cannot even imagine the pain and hardship you are going through. I want nothing more than to take you in my arms and hug you until you cry all the tears out. I’m so sorry you are going through all this and I wish you strength and love moving forward.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I feel I needed to share. Women who go through terminating pregnancy’s should be able to talk freely and open about there choice u believe it can be a very isolating, hard sad time. And I don’t think any women makes the decision lightly. I wanted my baby. But I knew the timing was wrong. I could understand the world and the people close to me were hurting me I didn’t want that for my baby. I seem to be blaming but I’m not. I’m just not strong enough to do by myself. Which breaks my heart. I just need to push through and learn to live with my choice.


You CAN heal through this. You are very brave and strong in telling your truth. Please be gentle with yourself. We are all a work in progress.


Quite often words are not needed. Listening is enough, kind thoughts are enough. Empathy is enough. So thank you.


I hope so. I feel dead inside. But some days are easier than others. I know it will take time. I need to be kind to myself I know I have gone through a lot. They say it comes in threes. Thank you for your response, means a lot.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for being so honest and so clear. You are such an example for me. Please don’t give up. Darkness will turn into light eventually


Thank you for your kind words, they say it’s darkest before dawn.

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Thank you for your message, I take it one day at a time. I’m getting through it. X

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Thank you Sobergal91! You shared your story very boldly. One can perceive the greatness of your soul. Don’t allow the devil to cheated you. You are precious for Jesus no matter what. ALWAYS!!!

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I felt I had to tell it, I felt so judged by the people closest me, like I had a dirty secret. And I felt ashamed. Here I can express what I need to, and I hope that me sharing my story, women who are going through something similar feel that they can gain support from other places, people and talk about it because you need to. Thank you.


Please Sobergal pray for me. Irelapsed today after 14 days :cry::cry::cry::cry:

I feel so sad

I’m sorry to hear, I believe in you. I pray for you.
I hope your ok.

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Thank you. I am 42 and still falling. I feel so waste