Rough weekends

These last couple weekends have been rough. Last weekend my ex and I were arrested after a night of drinking and fighting, as a result I have to stay sober otherwise I could go to jail and pay fines. I was arrested for “allegedly” assulting a police officer, I may have said some words but he arrested me in “fear of assault”. So been sober for 10 days now. While I sat in jail waiting to go to court, my ex got out of jail and figured i would be in jail for a year for my charges…so what does he do he invites his ex girlfriend to come to my apartment. I was livid, but kept my cool and thought we would work it out because we had always been there for each other. But that leads to this weekend. Hes drinking and gets pissed at me so I leave because I didn’t want the cops called and have to deal with them again. So what does he do he has his ex back in my apartment while i stay at a friends house. Was served an eviction from landlord and may or may not be able to sign a new lease agreement with just my name on it. My ex refuses to leave and has his girlfriend there still at my place. I feel so frusterated and trying my hardest to not breakdown and just drink…but I know ita not worth it in the long run. Tried to find an aa meeting to go to today but had to deal with landlord, cops and attorneys today. Luckily I have close friends that are helping me out where they can. But still just want to drink.


Welcome back. It’s been a while, and sorry to hear about the rough life you’ve been living.

I have to ask, are you tired of living this way, with the fights and drama and legal entanglements?

If you were to look at all the things going sideways in your life, how many of them are directly related to booze?

Decide to be better, and then be better.

I hope you’ll stay on this forum for a while this time.