Rude people

I really had just got done telling my mom how rude people are at Trader Joe’s before I went in and then when I come out of my car to go home and I get yelled at by a grown woman and even her older mom to get out of my parking spot so her mom can get into their car when I had just sat down and then when I did move out of my spot, she didn’t even go into the car. She went into her trunk to help put her groceries away? even if I were annoyed, I would just do a little awkward smile and point to my car like it’s not hard to be nice. It’s things like that that just make me wish I could go home and drink, but thankfully I don’t have anymore booze in my house. I know rude people are a part of life but geez. I guess I’ll take it out on my workout. I just don’t understand why people are so mean. I’m out here doing my best like all of us and you’re going to make it even worse. How lovely of them.


this just popped into my mind but maybe we can treat rudeness like a mental health issue, same as what we are battling here with substance abuse issues - as addicts, our dysfunctional behavior stems from emotional, psychological and chemical imbalances - i think it’s safe to say that rudeness comes from that too. so we can have compassion for people who are expressing their pain and disdain in the only way they know how, even when it’s “not right”. this doesn’t mean we consent to abuse from others, same as how we are learning not to consent to abuse from ourselves - but in the same way we are learning to forgive ourselves we can turn that around for others in these situations - forgive them for their lack of skill in dealing with their deep rooted pain. pain is very personal and intimate - and simultaneously it is collective, and we as humans are unified by it. united by pain and the ways we endure it and are transformed by it. :heart:


I get what you’re saying but I have an incredible amount of pain and mental health issues, I’m diagnosed with bipolar borderline adhd anxiety and major depression and never would I take them out on others. So it’s kind of hard to forgive. But I guess they just have less self control :woman_shrugging:


My brain links rudeness with fear and anger. For some reason when people are rude to me I see their rudeness as a call to not be left out or get their due. A “what about me” moment.

My super power for rudeness is to take two giants steps back. Give them the stage to act out their rudeness and see if the world applauds. Generally if I can become calmer and more polite I win by not engaging. If the interaction lingers with me I make up a backstory in my head for that unfortunate person. The more bizarre the better.

Trader Joe’s sad sack backstory:
The daughter actually kidnapped that woman and has to check the groceries to be sure they will adequately feed them for their drive to Disneyland. The daughter’s real mother never took her.

Weird, bizarre and out of your hands. Or the lady’s dog died, that one always works for me in a pinch.

There are kind people out there, don’t let those turds in the punch bowl get you down. 🩷


I was totally thinking she must have something very miserable going on in her life. Not an excuse but a reason and that’s all I can justify it with. Oh well.


She could just be a prick.


Clearly got it from her mother because even at her big age she was being rude as well. Just ridiculous


People who are rude like that are truely disgruntled in life for one reason or another, and has absolutely zero to do with you; you just happened to be in their sphere of unhappiness.

It’s hard not to take it personally, but their problem is 100% on their end. Try to bush it off and be grateful you aren’t them.


So true. Thank you! I really just needed to vent because that really upset me but I know better than to let it continue to weigh on me


This is actually really good advice, I’ll keep this in mind thanks :smiley:


This makes me smile!

So does this. Yup, rude people can just FRO.


What has helped me is to realize 9 times out of 10 I am dealing with a miserable person that no amount of snickers bars will help. It is still very intrusive and at times disturbing to have someone address you like that and I’m sorry you experienced that. You have the right idea with workout.


If someone demands I hurry up, I move slower. If they demand that I get out of their way, I stand still. Demanding something of me gets one nothing. Requesting politely will likely be rewarded.

I was once at Costco and had the misfortune of being in-between an older lady, and a free sample. Instead of asking me to move, she tried unsuccessfully to push me out of her way. I just looked at her and laughed. She said “what’s so funny?”, to which I replied “I think it funny how ignorant some are regarding the laws of physics…” . She said “what does that mean?”

My reply: " I am a grown-assed 200 pound man. Lady, you can push on me until you drop dead from the effort. I’m not moving until I’m ready…and I’m even less ready now."


This!! I told my best friend I should have just sat there longer but I guess my response was flight in that moment. I may have rolled down my window and told her to try not being such a c word :woman_shrugging: whoops.

Awe im sorry that happened to you my friend but yes rude people are unfortunately a part of this rock we call home! Don’t work out to hard now & dont let them get the best of you! I deal with rude people everyday & im actually use to it! Sad.

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