Thats what i was wondering too!
Early morning sunday running is back. It’s my favorite time to run! It’s so quite and peaceful and generally no traffic. I have missed my sunday runs so much

Sooo i think i have Achilles tendonitis pain at the back of my heel. Doctor google says tendinitus and inflammation from increasing running intensity
well i took an anti-inflammatory and will see if im better by next weekend. The damn addict behavior in me…i want more, i want better run times…im sure some of you can relate
aww man Get some RICE going (rest, ice, compression and elevation) I’d also google stretches/ strength exercises for your achilles/calves.
I follow a lady Meg Takacs on instagram and she has a ton of useful videos and exercises to help with injury prevention. I’ve made a few workouts out of her videos by adding the exercises together.
Yea instagram is good for getting a bit of guidance without having to go to a physio. Just search your injury and boom got a bunch of demo videos of exercises
Oh no!! You doing ok now??
Yes thankfully. It usually starts around the 3 mile mark and radiates from my hip down my entire right leg. It subsides after I walk it off. It’s super odd.
Todays run. As you guys can see I’m limited to 3 miles now I don’t know what’s going on with my legs. I’m gonna go get them checked out because the pain is excruciating. I start basically waddling after 3 miles now.
Sounds like an IT band issue. I’m glad you are gonna get checked out
Like @Runningfree said, sounds like IT band. I’ve previously had it start mid thigh and radiate down. Currently dealing with a flare up that originates and stays on the upper lateral knee, IT related. My IT problems are always on my left leg.
I looked it up and I’m pretty convinced you both are right. @Runningfree @MrFantastik I’m going to have my doc confirm and figure out the best course of action. It sucks because running is pretty therapeutic for me and now I may have to abstain for a while.
You will probably have to abstain for a while. Probably just a few weeks though. Strengthening your hip flexors will help a ton. When I had it I went to a place that did a fascia tissue release. The guy took his thumb and dug into my hip and went down the side of my leg. It was so painful, like at one point I was cussing from the pain. I haven’t had issues with it since then
Focusing your energy on strengthening those hips and stretching your hip flexors can also be a good therapeutic outlet!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery!!
Some beautifully paced run intervals

Feeling a little gypped today

Glad it turned out to be…age….hahaha
Makes me think back to my 20s when I could wake up and knock out a 5k like it was no big deal…not anymore….
Man got back into the gym today after a week of anti inflammitories after agitating my Achilles running and f’d up my Achilles again