Yeah lol 30’s suck
Have you thought about checking out a physical therapist around you? They are so very helpful
Im hoping it goes away lol
You need to strengthen it or you will continue to have issues. You might be able to do it by following youtube videos, just search for achilles exercises by PT or something like that.
Finally got a new pair of shoes - NB 880s!! The latest version is pretty sweet - I like what they’ve done with the heel cushioning!
I finally admitted I needed a new pair when I started getting a dull ache in my big toe area; and sure enough, my old shoes were totally dead…
Got some negatives on the run sections

Awesome, you’re getting back to where you were! I feel like you are soon to be unleashed and you will be better than ever!
Put my new shoes on and went for a 12 miler yesterday. Kinda fell apart the last 3-4 miles and I’m not sure why. Oh well, it was a good run, beautiful day. Can’t set a record every time haha.
Just letting you know you inspired me to get back out there today. 2 miles to start, negative splits, absolutely gorgeous blue skies and 45°!
Great job on getting out there!!!
I’m really starting to enjoy this runna app. Plans the runs and has an option to add strength work too. There is even a little community but I haven’t looked into that part much. Next week is still just an increase in time running but the week after has a weird run I’ve never done before. It’s called strides. Once I finish this post injury plan I’m going to start a different one. They have a ton of plans to choice from.
Man, I need to get back into doing cardio soon. It’s really great for weight-loss especially

This was good stuff. The third interval I was getting tired but I finished it, no walk breaks other than the ones programmed
NICE!!! Those intervals are just long enough, and must feel great once you’re finished the workout!!
@Cjp Hows the Achilles feeling?
Dude im trying to rest it and also massaging but tried running slowly today and it hurt again
Gonna try pt when i get back from the eclipse.
Thanks for checking on me @Runningfree this wont be my best 5k 4/20 thats for sure
Have listened to a bit of this. Could be of interest to some of the other runners here who like me pick up chronic injuries. An interesting chat about walk/run strategy and some about muscle imbalances so far, I’m only about 45mins so far
I’ll listen at work today. Thanks for sharing!