Sad for my wife

My wife has a friend (will call her “A”)who just died of what appears to be chronic alcoholism.

They have been friends for over 40 years. “A” was a bridesmaid in our wedding. When I was first introduced to her, she was absolutely stunning. Tall and graceful. She could have easily become a model.

Growing up in a small city, “A” longed for the glamorous life, moved to NYC to study fashion. She later gravitated toward event planning. She planned parties in some of the most swanky clubs in NY. This brought her into contact with Saudi Princes, Hollywood celebs, and the Rich and Famous. She even dated some of them.

Something happened. That life burns people up quick. She moved back home to VA to be close to people who really cared about her.

She started working in the same field in DC, so in addition to celebs and the wealthy, she met political animals. Even in proximity to friends and family, “The High Life” was eating her alive. By know she was a raging alchoholic.

She tried rehab several times. She tried meetings. I even talked to her many hours about my own journey to sobriety.

One by one, her friends fell away, all except for my wife, who prayed and pleaded, cried and held on to her. I tried to tell her that unless “A” really wanted to be free, and willing to do whatever it took, including quitting her profession, guarding her circle, she likely would die an early death.

Well she died on Monday, on her couch. Her father had come to check on her, having not heard from her, entered her condo, and found her. Sadly, this man just buried his wife not two months ago. My heart breaks for him.

And for my wife, who almost lost me to alcoholism, who never quit trying to be a good and faithful friend to “A”, I am so very sad.

And I am sober. I won’t drink, because I don’t drink. I am now and forever more, a non-drinker.


That’s just incredibly sad. My sympathies, so sorry for your and your wife’s loss.


How unbelievably sad. It is such a terrible disease. My condolences


Thinking of you and family and friends family during this difficult time :pray:


Sorry for the loss. As I’m getting older and have more of an “outsider’s” point of view, the detrimental effects of alcohol are becoming much more clear. Good people are being robbed from the world.


I’m so sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with all of you :broken_heart:


Sending hugs and condolences to & your wife. That’s a sad story.


Im so sorry to hear this it is truly heartbreaking, your wife obviously loved this lady very much and i admire her tenacity and compassion, so very true that addiction does not discriminate, i hope this lady is now at peace, love to you and your wife :heart:


The confronting reality that alcoholism, or any addiction, is never glamorous, never forgiving, and forever a relentless drag further down.

Sincere condolences to those affected by the loss - particularly those helpers still there at the end.


Very sad! This insidious disease does not discriminate.
My condolences to you and your wife. :broken_heart: :people_hugging:


I’m so sorry for your loss :pensive:. This disease takes too many good people. You are all in my prayers :pray:t2::two_hearts:


My condolences and a friendly hug for your wife.