Sad....I'm losing this

I relapsed…again and again. My husband is going to leave me and take the kids. I love them all more than life, can’t see myself living without them. Please, I need hope. How can I do this? How can I prove to him this time is for real?


Speaking for people who had to deal with me being an alcoholic before I quit. At a certain point there is nothing else you can say to sway a person, whatever you promise verbally stops meaning anything to them. Even if you in your heart really believe it. At this point If you want to keep your family you need to show them with your actions you are ready to change. For good. And mean it. Come up with a plan to detox and get clean, take it one day at a time. No body wants to be an alcoholic, I’m sure you don’t either. Do don’t risk losing your kids over something you don’t even want to be, no high will ever be worth that, so work to change. The other side of this thing is amazing. Just don’t quit thinking you’re losing something


@LRR, @Leigh, I swear I could have written both of these. Leigh is right. No high is worth it and you will need to do some work. Your words mean nothing at this point. Don’t even bother making empty promises. Action is required now. Your husband doesn’t want to leave. Your disease is hurting you both. Time to fight through these urges. I’m right there with you. I know! I know that urge just to have a little to catch a buzz…relax. but it doesn’t stop there and you know it. I decided to do something before my husband left. You can too. Don’t pour that drink. You get in touch with your real self and ask her what she wants in life and how she wants to spend her days and you do it. You can do this. You are not meant to be scared or anxious. God gave you a sound mind. Don’t let anyone or anything take it away. God bless.


Stay strong and keep taking to us on here I know it’s hard but you can do this.


This is exactly what I’m going through too … but my hubby isn’t to supportive about me finding help or me helping myself or taking time … i need to find fucken time to Donny own healing and being that we are military I have no family around so I feel alone and sad … I feel impossible

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I know that feeling. I was a military wife for 21 yrs. You can still be free. It’s hard, I know. Anxiety and separation from family doesn’t help. But God gave us a sound mind and not the spirit of fear. I found getting involved with church helps me. Good luck. I hope you find the respite you need.