Safe and Sober 4th of July 2024

Way to go!!
And now you get to enjoy today with a healthier mind and body.

Each time you get through an event like that, you are building stamina and experiencing the benefits of sobriety.

How many people are dealing with the negative effects of their drinking this morning? Not us!
We are the lucky ones!

This morning is your holiday time too. You’ve earned it!


Yay! So proud of you @Charitie! You got your first holiday under your belt, what a great accomplishment. Not having to deal with the crowds is an upside of sobriety.

I hope you don’t mind I moved your post into this thread. The forum gets a lot of traffic around each holiday and we try to keep it tidy by merging all related posts together.

Enjoy your sober weekend! :blush:


In addition to their regular meaning, we can celebrate holidays with a sobriety twist:

July 4th - celebrate freedom from alcohol and drugs

Labor Day - reminder to work our program

Thanksgiving - gratitude

Christmas - giving

New Years - every day sober

Easter/Passover - urges go away

Memorial Day - remembering those who went b4 us.


:clap::clap: You should be proud!! It’s a huge accomplishment. Makes for a better today.

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