Safe and Sober 4th of July 2024

If you’re celebrating today, have a Safe and Sober 4th of July.

It can be easy for me to think about all of the things I’m missing on holidays, especially when they are so centered around alcohol. I can find myself romanticizing about the buzz, the confidence, the ability to check out and ignore life’s stressors. But that feeling is only temporary and one I’d end up chasing for the next 10 years. It’s important to remember what I’m really missing. The hangovers, the shame, the regret, sickness, self-hate and the destructive decisions. All of the things I never want to experience again. By choosing to stay sober I get to be present and reliable. I will remember the moments. I get to live.

Erica :heart:


Happy safe and sober 4th!


Thank you.


Love this! Thanks for sharing!! :heart:


Happy and safe 4th of July to all of you! Will be the FIRST of many sober 4th of July’s.

I’m happy to be here :slight_smile:


Today is independence day in America is known for drunkeness and stupidity. I plan to continue my sobriety by having my bonus kids over to watch fireworks from the balcony as we have a great view of downtown.


That’s awesome! Sounds like a good plan :raised_hands:

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That’s great, Wes. So glad you’re here. :hugs:

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Thank you. Life is just better sober.

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May everyone end today sober and with all their fingers!


You perfectly put into words everything I was thinking. This is my first sober 4th of July in like 10 years. It was nice to wake up this morning not hungover and I look forward to just being present today and enjoying all the little joys that life has to offer :blush:


That’s awesome, Kaitlin. Congratulations!!

The little joys in life are what it’s all about. :hugs:

Needed this today, thank you :pray:t2: this is my first sober 4th of july since i started drinking.


You’re welcome. :blush:

And this is something to be so proud of. Congratulations!!

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Safe, sober, and in bed listening to the booms!

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That’s a great feeling.

This time last year I was drunk and stupid arguing with my husband drunk driving feels good to be sober and never forgetting where I came from Happy Fourth to Everyone on here and keep coming back we all need the inspiration :100:


Thank you for sharing. I remember those days. It feels good to be on the other side of them. Happy 4th!!

I couldn’t put it better my self! And yes this is a big day for all of us!

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Well i made it through the fourth of July with out a drop of alcohol in very proud of my self! We let the kids watch the fire works from our balcony where we saw the shows going off at once with out having to deal with the crowd.